University Committee Meeting Minutes 2019-06-24

University Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes approved 07/08/2019

Approved Minutes for June 24, 2019          Approved July 8, 2019 

UC members present: Halverson (arrived 1:08), Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf

UC member absent: Campagnola

Others present (in addition to those indicated below): S. Smith, J. Richard, M. Felber, H. Daniels, J. Smith, M. Mayrl

Chair Terry Warfield called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m. Steve Ventura moved to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. The motion was seconded and passed at 1:02 p.m. The UC approved a one-year clock extension and identified some possible committee members for the ad hoc committee on practice-related titles. Eric Sandgren moved to reconvene in open session. The motion was seconded and passed at 1:11 p.m.

The UC briefly discussed the report confirming UW-Madison’s HLC reaccreditation, as well as some BoR scheduling items. The minutes of the meeting of June 10, 2019, were approved with addition of a missing “d.” PROFS lobbyist Jack O’Meara reported, among other items, that JFC passed the UW capital request almost in its entirety, but no action was taken on bonding authority. Discussion ensued. The UC also discussed shared governance in general, prompted in part by a document drafted last year by Sandgren. Following ample discussion, all present agreed to revisit this topic periodically over the course of the academic year. Some items are actionable in the document and others are matters to keep in mind. And the UC discussed the charge to the two working groups (on promotion to full and on practice-related titles), suggesting chairs and making some edits, and approved their release once these changes and updates are finalized.

Interim provost Jim Henderson introduced himself and explained his history of engagement with faculty governance. Among the items on his agenda during his “summer job” are looking broadly at the multiple issues involved with travel visas, working with the task forces developing guidelines for the new “professor” titles, target of opportunity hires and retention of underrepresented groups, the new (and first for UW) online program in personal finance, and monitoring “whole host” of ongoing matters, including drafting of HIB guidance and disciplinary issues. There was a good deal of discussion.

Chief Diversity Officer Patrick Sims discussed the report of the working group on the retention of faculty from historically underrepresented groups, noting actionable items, links to data sources, history and context, and more. There was deep discussion. Group currently working on focused concrete steps for Blank to announce in fall. Accountability is a key leverage point, along with training, intentionality, metrics, and much more. Sims in particular highlighted the fact that several recommendations relate to tenure and promotion, as well as reviews. Developing ways to incorporate diversity inclusion into these and other practices will be key and will rely on, inter alia, UC, divisional committees, OSOF, and VPFS.

Chancellor Rebecca Blank reported on summer activities, including breakfast with alders, receptions for retirees and for the reaccreditation group, the annual community-university partnership awards, 30th anniversary of the Allen Centennial gardens, and more. Blank and the UC discussed the budget, pay plans and other compensation, exec team annual reviews, and more. She concluded her time with a discussion about the reaccreditation, particularly the recommendation that campus/system get bonding authority.

Warfield adjourned the meeting at 2:56 p.m.

KeywordsUniversity committee   Doc ID93093
OwnerJenny S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2019-07-11 15:05:11Updated2022-07-18 16:28:28
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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