Guidance for Data Management

This page provides guidance for data management.

Application forms, landowner/land manager permission forms, flight log data collected by UAS for each flight conducted on UW premises or for UW-related activities (including but not limited to records of the UAS' latitude, longitude, altitude and other flight parameters and telemetry data), and images and data collected during flights for research, educational, or other purposes must be stored securely and maintained according to standard University records retention schedules and be made available for inspection by the Research Vehicle Safety Oversight (RVSO) Committee or external regulators upon request if deemed relevant to investigate an accident, incident, or complaint. Contract operators must agree to retain flight log data and any images collected during flights for at least three (3) years following operations and to grant reasonable access to such data to the RVSO Committee as a condition of approval to conduct operations on UW premises or in connection with UW activities.

data management UAS 
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Heather M. in VCRGE and Graduate School
VCRGE and Graduate School