Request to offer an online or hybrid undergraduate course during the academic year

Departments must request approval to schedule undergraduate course section in an online or hybrid format, the procedure is below.

How to Submit a Request

To request permission to offer an undergraduate class section as online or hybrid during the fall/spring semester, departments must:
(1) Gather proposal materials:
(2) The chair/director must submit the materials and request, with their department's recommendation for the course to be taught online or hybrid, through the L&S Online/Hybrid Course Requests form.
Special Notes:
  • Topic courses will not be permanently approved, but departments can request approval for specific topic titles by term.

  • Less Commonly Taught Languages (LCTL) online courses shared with BTAA institutions receive expedited review; contact Kimbrin Cornelius for details.


Requests will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Departments should submit a request as soon as they know a course will be scheduled as online or hybrid

How Courses are Reviewed

Requests are administratively reviewed and approved by L&S Teaching & Learning. The focus of review is:
  • Intended audience (in-person modality is a priority for first- and second-year students)
  • Pedagogical benefits specific to the course goals
  • Course’s place in program requirements (in-person is a priority for courses required for all students in a program)
  • Alignment with L&S Foundational Criteria for Online & Hybrid Instruction
Generally speaking, an approval to offer a course online rolls forward automatically each semester. However, if a course’s content, design, enrollment or audience changes substantially, or if an issue is identified through regular L&S Admin monitoring, a request for review may be required.

Undergraduate Courses approved to be offered online/hybrid

A list of undergraduate graduate courses that have been approved to be offered online can be found here.

 More information

Keywordsform, approval, review, online, course, teach, fall, spring, instruction, instructor, permission   Doc ID95005
OwnerKimbrin C.GroupL&S KB
Created2019-10-15 15:41:08Updated2024-07-16 16:32:37
SitesL&S KB
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