Contracts & Agreements - Determine Approval Process for Contract/Agreement

Extension employees should use the information below to determine which type of agreement/contract they need to sign and which workflow they should follow to have it signed by UW-Madison.

Prior to beginning, please be sure to review Contracts & Agreements - Divisional Policy & Guidance for instructions that include changes to past practices. 


Use the decision matrix to determine which workflow you will need to use. 

Decision Matrix - Contracts & Agreements
 Question  General Signatory Authority (GSA) Workflow Event Contract Workflow
Question #1 - Agreement?  Yes  Yes
Question #2 - Agreement Type?  General Signatory Agreements  Event Contract
Question #3 - Pay for Goods/Services?  No  Yes

 Question #1: Does the agreement (contract) purport to create a binding legal or financial obligation upon the University? 

Yes - Requires an official university signature to be valid.
No - Does not require official University signature to be valid. If there is any doubt about whether a contract requires official University signature, contact the extension Office of Financial Services OFS - Resources - Financial Specialists & Managers Contact List

 Question #2: What type of agreement (contract) is it?

General Signatory Agreements

  • Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
  • Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
  • Membership Agreement
  • Partnership Agreement
  • Internship Agreement
  • Consulting Agreement
  • Other Non-Purchasing Agreement

Event Contract

Requires University to pay money for either goods or services for an off-campus event.

  • Event facility rental or space use agreements
  • Zero-Cost Event Facilities Rental Agreement
  • Catering Contracts
  • Hotel Contracts
  • Speaker Contracts
  • Entertainer Contracts

Other Contract Falling under Signatories with Limited Delegation

 Question #3: Is it a contract under which the University is to pay money for either goods or services for an off-campus event, program, or activity?

Yes - This is an event contract and must be sent to Purchasing Services.
No - This is not an event contract.
Note: If you are unsure of which type of agreement you need signed (and which workflow to use), please contact

Agreements that do not require signature by UW-Madison

  • Contracts paid for by funds from external accounts (non UW-Madison).
  • Individual annual memberships to professional associations (e.g. WACAA, WEECDA, etc.).
  • FoodWIse letters of support to partners applying for grants if they do not obligate university resources, including employee time.

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Nichole W. in Extension Handbook
Extension Handbook