University Committee Meeting Minutes 2019-11-18

University Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes approved 11/25/2019

Minutes for November 18, 2019

UC members present: Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf

Absent: Campagnola, Halverson

Also present: Jane Richard, Heather Daniels, Michelle Felber, Amol Guyol, Jack O’Meara, Jake Smith, Bill Tishler, and those in the text below

Chair Warfield called the meeting to order at 1:17 p.m. There were a number of updates. PROFS lobbyist, Jack O’Meara reported on the legislation making noise this week: a bill giving credit to faculty teaching graduate students (mainly affecting extension and CALS); the “Mark Cook bill” will go the governor soon; a bill to raise min retirement age and re-hire of annuitants from 55 to 59.5.

The minutes of the meeting of November 11. 2019 were approved by consent.

Campus Diversity and Climate Committee annual report co-chairs, Nasia Safdar and Tatiana Schneider, and committee administrator Lindsey Stoddard Cameron presented the most recent annual report. There were several questions and a lively discussion ensued, especially around gathering, assimilating, and disseminating diversity information (policies) throughout campus.

The Vice Provost for Lifelong Learning and Dean of Continuing studies, Jeff Russell, summarized key activities of Continuing Studies (handout): 1) summer term (focus on undergraduates; working with financial aid to support more students; online challenges like proctoring exams); 2) professional master’s and certificates (2500 students in summer/fall and growing; many involve distance teaching and cross-college core content; human and financial resource allocations are being examined); and, 3) youth compliance (working with academic staff to identify issues—like background checks-- in implementing policy, which is quite broad).

There was time to discuss the Degree Completion pilot which should have students enrolled in fall 2020, focusing on those with some credit but no degree; applicants are expected to need (and will get) more support than traditional students. Russell also reported on credentialing, a project with the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning Steve Cramer, to think about credit vs non-credit classes. The UC also asked about the integration of Extension staff.

The UC turned to a discussion of a proposed resolution in opposition to the UW System President Search and Screen committee that has no faculty or staff on it. Several organizations have issued or will issue a similar statement.  

At 2:45, Sandgren moved and Wolf seconded to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters, rule waivers.

Warfield reconvened in open session to adjourn at 3:15.

KeywordsUniversity committee   Doc ID96446
OwnerJenny S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2019-12-05 16:00:02Updated2022-07-11 16:36:35
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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