WiscWeb - Changing the Fac/Staff URL

The following document will walk you through the process of changing the post "slug" or URL for the Faculty/Staff custom post type, which affects the overall URL structure for those pages.

What is the Fac/Staff slug?

The Fac/Staff slug is part of the URL that appears on faculty/staff bio pages. It is essentially the URL version of the page name.

The structure of the URL for bio pages looks like this (slug highlighted):


The slug, by default, is set to "staff." However, this can be customized if the term "staff" does not apply to the content of your bio pages. Examples of alternative slugs include "people," "facstaff," and "alumni."

Updating the Fac/Staff slug

To update the Fac/Staff slug, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your site's dashboard in WiscWeb
  2. On the left hand menu, select Faculty/Staff Members
  3. Choose Settings
  4. In the URL Slug field, type in the new slug you'd like to use
  5. Select Save Changes

Recommended naming conventions

WordPress "slugs" should follow these naming conventions:


  • Use hyphens ( - ) to separate multiple words
  • Use lowercase letters
  • Use relevant keywords
  • Keep it short


  • Do not use spaces
  • Do not use slashes ( / )
  • Do not use stop words (ex: the, and, an, in, etc.)
  • Do not use special characters (ex. &, *, #, @, etc.)


  • Try to refrain from changing out this slug multiple times. Changes to this slug can cause you to lose your position in search results and can result in a 404 error if people have the bio pages bookmarked.

  • If changed in your production site, you may need to add redirects to avoid broken links to your pages. More information on redirects can be found here: WiscWeb - Redirection plugin setup

slug, faculty, staff, people, URL, category, faculty/staff members, change, update, augment, address, reference 
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Owned by:
Jenna K. in WiscWeb
DoIT Help Desk, WiscWeb