Contracts & Agreements - Event Contracts - Zero Dollar Contracts
Extension employees should follow these instructions if they need a zero-dollar event contract reviewed and approved by UW-Madison Purchasing. It is preferable to submit an unsigned copy of the contract in case UW-Madison needs to make any changes or attach any other documents. Please make sure to budget at least 2-3 weeks turnaround time.
Prior to beginning, please be sure to review Contracts & Agreements - Divisional Policy & Guidance for instructions that include changes to past practices.
Employee Instructions
- Employees should follow the instructions below to have a zero-dollar event contract reviewed and approved by UW-Madison Business Services. There are 3 components:
- Submit for Approval: The Division of Extension requires divisional approval before the contract can go to Business Services. Employees will select the relevant Assistant Dean or Institute Director as divisional approval.
- Confirmation of Approval: Employee will receive a confirmation that the contract was approved and is being reviewed by Business Services.
- Upload to the Fully-Executed Event Contract: The Division requires that the fully-executed contract is uploaded to a document library.
Divisional Approval Instructions
- Divisional Approvals should follow the instructions below to confirm their review and approval of zero-dollar contract submissions.
- Review and Approve Submission: The Divisional Approval should verify that the zero-dollar event contract is in line with Extension work and approve/reject.
- Confirmation of Approval: The Divisional Approval will receive a confirmation email that the includes contact information for Business Services.
Employee Instructions (Who Submits)
Submit for Approval
- Navigate to the Zero-Dollar Event Contracts SharePoint Site.
- Click "Submit Zero-Dollar Event Contract for Approval" to create a new submission.
- Fill out the required information:
- Title: This information will identify which submission is yours! Please use this format [County/Institute/Reserve] - [Last Name] - [Year.Month].
- Contract Description: Include information that you would like the divisional approval to know about the contract (e.g. purpose, etc.).
- Business Phone: Include a business phone number at which you can be reached.
- Date Needed: Include the date by which you would like to have the contract approved and signed.
- Note: this does not guarantee signature by the requested date. There is a 1-2 week turnaround time from UW-Madison Business Services. Budget time accordingly.
- Are you a county-based position?: Complete this question to indicate the appropriate divisional approval.
- If you are a county-based position - please make sure to select your Assistant Dean (Northern/Southern Areas).
- If you are not a county-based position - please make sure to select your Institute Director.
- Attachment: Attach the zero-dollar event contract that you need reviewed and approved.
Confirmation of Approval
- After "Run Flow" is clicked, the submission will be emailed to the selected Assistant Dean or Institute Director.
- Employees can check the status of their submission on the SharePoint Approval Site by clicking on "My Zero Dollar Event Contract Submissions".
- Following their review and approval, the employee will receive a confirmation email.
- Note: If you do not receive a confirmation email - please reach out to the selected Assistant Dean or Institute Director. It is the responsibility of the employee who needs the contract signed to make sure that they obtain the necessary approval and signatures.
- Following the approval confirmation email, the employee will hear directly from UW-Madison Business Services in the next 1-2 weeks.
- Note: If you do not hear back from UW-Madison Business Services within 2 weeks, or you are approaching a deadline, please contact your divisional approval (Assistant Dean/Institute Director). They will contact UW-Madison Business Services directly regarding your submission.
Upload Fully-Executed Zero-Dollar Event Contract
Upload the fully-executed (all required signatures are present) zero-dollar event contract to the SharePoint Fully-Executed Event Contracts library.
- Navigate to the Zero-Dollar Event Contracts SharePoint Site.
- Click "Upload Fully-Executed Zero-Dollar Event Contract."
- Click "Upload" and select the saved fully-executed contract.
- Upload the document to the library.
- Select the document that was just uploaded.
- Make sure the Details Pane is opened and click on "Edit All" properties.
- Fill out the required information:
- Name: This information will identify which contract is yours! Please use this format [County/Institute/Reserve] - [Last Name] - [Year.Month].
- Event Agreement Type: Select the type of contract.
- Outside Agency: Name of the outside agency with which the contract was executed.
- Zero-Dollar?: Select "Yes."
- Click "Save" once you have completed the required information.
Divisional Approval Instructions
Review & Approve Submission
- Receive a new submission in their UW-Madison O365 Email Account (
- Review the information included in the submission.
- Review the attached zero-dollar event contract.
- Click "Approve" to submit the contract on to UW-Madison Business Services.
Confirmation of Approval
- After "Approve" is clicked, a confirmation email will be sent to UW-Madison Business Services.
- A separate confirmation email will be sent to the employee requesting the zero-dollar event contract.
- Note: Employees requesting approval may reach out to their divisional approval if they do not receive approval/rejection.
- Employees will hear directly from UW-Madison Business Services 1-2 weeks.
- Note: Employees who do not hear back from UW-Madison Business Services within 2 weeks, or are approaching a deadline may reach out to their Divisional Approval regarding the status of the agreement. Please make sure to contact UW-Madison Business Services using the contact information from the confirmation email.