Topics Map > Instructional > Blended Learning

Add EHR to Canvas

Add learn EHR to Canvas
From Canvas, add an assignment:
  1. Create assignment
  2. Edit assignment
  3. Add points and assignment group as desired.
  4. Add submission type, select "external tool"
    image of the add submission type
  5. In the the URL enter: and click find
  6. Scroll through list and find SOP  learn in the list and select.
  7. Scroll down to the bottom of the popup image of grassblade settings

  8. In the url, edit the number at the end of the url to match the number in the url in the Learn WordPress Editor
    how to find the number in the grassblade wordpress url

  9. Change the page name to the label you want to show in Canvas.
  10. Select the "Load in new tab" checkbox.
  11. Add item.

ehr canvas grassblade 
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Owned by:
Amy C. in School of Pharmacy
School of Pharmacy