NOTE: When adding a calendar from a wireless device on campus or from home,
you must first be logged into VPN.
For instructions on how to install and configure, please see this campus web page:
- To avoid duplication, first check to make sure that the event you want to add doesn't already exist in the SOP calendar.
- Click the "Intranet" link in upper right hand corner of SOP website.
- Log-in with your NetID.
- Click on "Calendar Submission".

Please note: Once you are taken into Wordpress, you may see a message at the top of the screen saying that you do not have permission to load some plugins (see example below). This message is not relevant to you, so please ignore. If you do not like seeing it, click on ‘Dismiss this notice’.

- Type in event information as outlined below:
- Enter Title of event -- keep this as short as possible.
The event title is not the presentation title; there is a spot for that later.
- Add Description - (if you would like to add an image, please contact IIT).

Important Note:
By default, Wordpress takes the first 55 words in the event description and displays them as the teaser text preceding the "Read more..." link in the list of upcoming events (aka event feed). If your event description is (1) very long or (2) starts with the name & credentials of a guest speaker, please use the Excerpt field (see step h below) to add a brief, one-sentence description of the event.
- Time & Date

- Location - choose a venue from the "Use Saved Venue". If you don't see your venue on the list, please contact IIT to add it. (You must include a location in this field -- a location is required for the event to be displayed on the touch-panel kiosks.) Events without a location will be deleted.
Please note: Make sure you have reserved the room for your event BEFORE you add the event to the calendar.

- Organizer - select "Use Saved Organizer:" if you don't see your group on the list, please contact IIT to add it.
- Event Website - include if appropriate.
- Additional Fields
- Add Speaker
- Presentation Title
- Excerpt Field
If your event has a very long description, you may want to type a very concise summary into the Excerpt field (ideally no longer than one sentence). The Excerpt Field text will replace the event description that is normally displayed as the teaser text in the Event feed.

- Add Category: Please only select what is appropriate. (Not sure? Contact IIT.)

- "Save Draft" (while you work). "Submit for Review" (when complete).

Once you submit your event for review, you will no longer be able to make edits to it.