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1105 A/V Equipment Guide

Illustrated guide sheets for rm 1105


How to Turn on the Projector

  1. Turn on the projector by pressing 'On'  under the display section of the white control panel behind the document camera.
    wall panel image

How to Project a Laptop

  1. Connect the HDMI cable to the laptop.
  2. Select 'Wall Plate' on the white control panel on the wall. Note: some laptops may require you to also toggle the screen output, ie. By pressing the windows logo key hdmi & VGA cables + p for fn+F8 on a laptop. These keys vary depending on the laptop. 
       windows key image
  3. Adjust the volume by using the Volume dial on the white control panel. Note: If having troubles with the audio, make sure that the laptop has sound without being plugged in first.
             wall panel image

How to Use the Document Camera

  1. Select 'Doc Cam' on the white control panel on the wall.
      wall panel image 
  2. Press the 'Power' button on the document camera.
      Document camera
  3. Place your document on the working surface area.  Don't cover up the mirror with your material. 
  4. To adjust the lighting, use the Light button on the document camera next to the power button. 
  5. Turn off the document camera when you are finished. 

    Turning off the Projector

    1. Turn off the projector by holding the 'Display Power' button until it begins to blink.  Note: Once the projector begins to turn off, it will take 5 minutes before it can be started again.
               wall panel image


    1105 classroom a/v projector room document camera wireless mac apple windows wall panel volume doc camera HDMI wall plate 
    Doc ID:
    Owned by:
    Amy C. in School of Pharmacy
    School of Pharmacy