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Topics Map > Credit Evaluation
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Topics Map > Student Records
Key to geBLCX Codes
geBLCX codes are used to help identify which requirements a course fulfills.
'g' column
Identifies courses that satisfy the communication or quantitative reasoning University General Education Requirement.
a = Communication A
b = Communication B
q = Quantitative Reasoning (QR) A
r = Quantitative Reasoning (QR) B
'e' column
Indicates courses that satisfy the ethnic studies requirement.
e = Ethnic Studies
'B' column
Indicates courses that satisfy breadth area requirements.
B = Biological Science
H = Humanities
L = Literature (can also count towards the Humanities requirement)
N = Natural Science (does not necessarily satisfy specific biological or physical science requirements)
P = Physical Science
S = Social Science
W = Social or Natural Science
X = Humanities or Natural Science
Y = Biological Science or Social Science
Z = Humanities or Social Science
'L' column
Indicates course level.
E = Elementary level
I = Intermediate level
A = Advanced level
'C' column
Indicates whether a course counts towards the 108 Liberal Arts & Science credits.
C = Liberal Arts & Sciences credit
'X' Column
Indicates a course that is cross-listed with another department; i.e., the same course is offered by both departments.
X = Cross-listed Course