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SIS - Combined Sections: Types and Definitions
Combined Sections Classifications
There are four different bonds that may exist between sections of courses. Listed below are descriptions and examples.
Cross-listed: XL
- A single course exists under two or more subjects; apart from appearing under different subjects, other aspects of the course (e.g., catalog number, title, course description, course-level attributes and designations, learning outcomes, etc.) are the same
- Must be approved by the University Curriculum Committee
- Academic governance considers all subjects to be equal partners in owning and maintaining the course, but for scheduling and enrollment purposes one subject must be designated as primary each term; see also: Updating Combined Sections
- Cross-listed courses are bound in the course catalog, and scheduled class sections will have automatic XL bonds (e.g., Biology 130 section 001 and Botany 130 section 001)
- Data for scheduled XL sections is synced when Curricular Services runs a cross-list sync.
Example: The courses SOC 210 and C&E SOC 210 are cross-listed in the course catalog. Each scheduled section is combined with the parallel section of the other course, e.g., SOC 210 section 001 for a given term/session is combined with C&E SOC 210 section 001 in that same term/session.
Meets With: MW
- All sections of one course meet with the parallel sections of a different course
- Member courses have their own unique features in the course catalog (e.g., subject and/or catalog number, title, course description, course-level attributes and designations, learning outcomes, etc.)
- MW class sections share instruction mode, instructor(s), day/time meeting patterns, and facility ID. The section number does not need to match.
- University Curriculum Committee approval not required
- Meets-with bonds can be set up to roll forward with term roll
- To have a meets-with bond set up you should submit a form to Add or Remove a Meets With Bond to Curricular Services.
Example: MUSIC 346 meets with MUSIC 546; section 016 is shown below.
Section-Level Meets With: SL
- Similar to Meets With, but does not need to be true for ALL sections of a course; only applies to a specific section that meets with a section of another course.
- SL class sections share instruction mode, instructor(s), day/time meeting patterns, and facility ID
- SL combinations can be within a single course, across different courses from the same subject, or across courses from different subjects
Example: Section 002 of ENVIR ST 360 meets with section 001 of GEOG 475.
Cross-listed, Meets With: XM
- A cross-listed course that also meets with another course
- This is a rare bond and only exists on a small number of courses
Example: ZOOLOGY 153 meets with the cross-listed course BIOLOGY/BOTANY/ZOOLOGY 151. For the term/session shown below, section 001 of each cross-listed course also meets with section 001 of ZOOLOGY 153.
- On the Combined Section Detail page you can see which section is primary – the primary subject is listed in the description that displays to the right of the Combined Sections ID
- All members of a bond can access the Combined Sections Detail page in SIS
- Departments in the College of Letters & Science should consult the L&S "Meets-With" policies and guidelines before submitting a request to create MW, SL, or XM combinations
- See Also: Updating Combined Sections