Topics Map > Enrollment
Topics Map > Student Information System (SIS)
Topics Map > Student Records

SIS/Student Groups - Student Groups Page Field Description


This document defines the fields and buttons on the Student Groups page.

Student Group Page

The Student Groups page provides you the opportunity to place a student in a specific student group as well as add or update comments. You may also delete a student from a student group or make their student group status inactive.

Navigate to:

  • Student Records WorkCenter, Student Groups


  • > Records and Enrollment > Career and Program Information > Student Groups

screenshot of Example of SIS Student Group Assigned to a Student

Note: You can view all student groups placed on a student's record; however, your security access determines which student groups you have the ability to add, change, and delete.

Grayed-out records indicate student groups you cannot modify.

The list below describes the fields and buttons found on the Student Groups page:

  • Academic Institution: The name of our institution. Defaults to "UWMSN" for UW–Madison.
  • Student Group: The name of the student group in which the student is a member. Type in a code or select the Look up button, select [Look Up] to view the student groups to which you have access and select.
  • Effective Date: The date this student group was activated or inactivated. Defaults to today's date after a Student Group is entered.
    • If adding a Student Group for a Future Term, then the Effective Date is today's date.
    • If adding a Student Group for the Current Term, then the Effective Date is on or before the first day of the current term.
    • Tip: The Term Begin Date can be found here: Student Records WorkCenter, Dean/Dept Processing, Session Dates and Deadlines.
    • Note: The student will remain in this student group from this date forward until deleted or inactivated. Exception: Enrollment-related student group members are purged by the Office of the Registrar just prior to the next priority enrollment period (email warnings are sent to student group administrators).
  • Status: The status of this student group: "Active" or "Inactive."
    • Note: Inactive to maintain student group history:
      1. Add a new date row (lower [+] Add).
      2. Change the Effective Date.
      3. Change the Status to "Inactive" to inactivate a student from a student group.
      4. Select [Save].
  • Comments: An optional free-form text field available for further detail.
  • Last Update Date/Time: The date and time of the last update to this record.
  • by: The SIS ID of the last person to update this record.
  • Type: The type of last update: manual or batch job name.
  • [+] / Add:
    • Select the upper [+] Add button located to the right of "Academic Institution" to add an additional student group to this student's record.
    • Select the lower [+] Add button located to the right of "Status" to add an additional effective dated entry within the specified student group (e.g. to make Status "inactive").
  • [-] / Delete:
    • Select the upper [-] Delete button located to the right of "Academic Institution" to delete a student group from this student's record.
    • Select the lower [-] Delete button located to the right of "Status" to delete a particular effective dated entry within the specified student group.
  • [Save]: Select [Save] to save changes you have made to this record.
  • [Return to Search]: Select [Return to Search] to return to the Student Groups Find/Search Results page.
  • [Update/Display]: Select [Update/Display] to view all (past, current, future) student group information on a student's record.
    • Note: If this button is grayed out, this is your current mode.
  • [Include History]: Select [Include History] to view all (past, current, future) student group information on a student's record.
    • Note: If this button is grayed out, this is your current mode.
  • [Correct History]: Select [Correct History] to modify student group information on a student's record.
    • Note: If this button is grayed out, this is your current mode.

The table below provides the same information in a different format:

a list describes the fields and buttons found on the Student Groups page

Keywordscourse, courses, class, plan, plans, planner, record, records, sis, SIS   Doc ID118426
OwnerPaul O.GroupOffice of the Registrar
Created2022-05-09 10:58:59Updated2024-05-03 08:30:22
SitesOffice of the Registrar
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