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Topics Map > Grading
Midterm and Final Grading Setup Instructions
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Reviewing your Courses for Midterm and Final Grading
Grade roster access is coded using the Access field on the Meetings page of Maintain Schedule of Classes, under the Instructors for a Meeting Pattern section. Combined section updates should be made on the Schedule Class Meetings page. Combined section updates should be handled by the primary department only.
Access options:
- Approve: Instructor can input and submit midterm grades.
- Grade: Instructor can input midterm grades. (This is sufficient for midterm grading).
- No Access: Instructor cannot access the grade roster.
The default access value for instructors when they are entered in SIS on a course section is Approve. An instructor who should NOT have access to enter grades should be set to "No Access." Review your current course setups and update as necessary. For each course section listed on the accompanying report(s), first determine whether it involves a non-9999 or a 9999 enrollment package and then refer to the corresponding instructions below.
Important Notes Regarding Midterm Grading
- If a section does not have an instructor, it cannot be graded and will not appear on the grading report(s). Enter instructor information as soon as possible so midterm grading can occur.
- Midterm grading reports only show classes with first-year students enrolled. When an instructor enters midterm grades in MyUW, they will only see first-year students on the grade roster.
- A Control List will be available for use in SIS to monitor midterm grading. The instructor name listed for each course section the the Control List is taking from the Course Administrator field on the Basic Data tab in Maintain Schedule of Classes. If no instructor is listed, or if the instructor listed is not correct, the Course Administrator field may need to be updated with another instructor as long as that instructor appears on the Meetings page for the section and is set to "Approve."
- Canvas grade entry will NOT work for midterm grade reporting.
Non-9999 Course Section Setups
If a course section is not part of 9999 setup, simply check the Grade Access for eGrading report to be sure that at least one instructor's grade roster access is set to Approve (A) for each graded section. Any instructors who should not be able to enter grades must be set to No Access (N). The image below is from a Grade Access report which is generated by Curricular Services and posted for Curricular Representatives to review.
9999 Course Section Setups
Example of 9999 Lectures with Auto Enrolls

Example of 9999 without Auto Enrolls