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SIS/Service Indicators - Viewing Service Indicators


This document shows how to view existing service indicators attached to a student's record.

You can view service indicators in two ways:

Step 1

From Manage Service Indicators page

From Home, select: Student Records WorkCenter, Manage Service Indicators. The Find page will display. Search for the student by entering their Campus ID # in the "Campus ID" field. Other search fields can be used, but Campus ID is the value you're most likely to know and its use will ensure you're accessing the correct student record. Select "Search."

Tip: Menu navigation: > Campus Community > Service Indicators > Person > Manage Service Indicators

screenshot of Student Records WorkCenter in SIS with orange box around Manage Service Indicators and Search with Campus ID

From Any student record page

  1. Find a student page that displays a service indicator icon (, ∅)
    • Note: These icons do not display on the Manage Service Indicators page.
  2. Select positive (), or negative (∅) service indicator icons.

screenshot of Student Advisor page with orange box around Service Indicators Icons or circle with a line through it and a star

If you used , ∅ icons, the Manage Service Indicators page displays with the Display Effect filtered by 'Negative' or 'Positive' based on the selected icon. Otherwise, the Display is 'All.' To change, select Effect and select Refresh.

screenshot of Manage Service Indicators page with orange box around Effect dropdown filter and Refresh

Note: Some service indicators may be 'expired' based on End Term and End Date.

Step 2

Select "Code" link for the service indicator you want to view in more detail.

screenshot of Manage Service Indicators Summary List with orange box around Code column

The View or Edit Service Indicator page will display based on your service indicator security. Note: The Services Impacted area of this page shows services that can be impacted, including enrollment, records, etc.

screenshot of View Service Indicators section

screenshot of Service Impact section

Step 3

When done viewing the service indicator details, select [Cancel]. The Manage Service Indicators page will display again.

Keywordshold, indicators, record, records, requisite, sis, SIS   Doc ID24917
OwnerPaul O.GroupOffice of the Registrar
Created2012-06-29 10:00:19Updated2024-05-03 09:17:38
SitesOffice of the Registrar
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