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Faculty Center - Export and Import Grades
As an alternative to manually entering grades in Faculty Center, you can export a course section's grade roster into Excel as a comma-separated values file (.csv), enter students' grades in the resulting spreadsheet, then import the grades back into the Grade Roster page.
Exporting is useful for grade entry on very large sections.
If you are an instructor of a large enrollment course, Learn@UW offers a tool that can automate the transfer of your grades from the Canvas gradebook into the Faculty Center. The benefits of this process are best realized for courses with enrollment above 50 students. For more information, see: Canvas - Faculty Center Grade Prep Tool and Final Grade Preparation [UW-Madison].
Note: Import is only available if the grade roster has not been posted.
For assistance in Faculty Center, contact the Office of the Registrar by email or by phone at 608-262-3811.
For assistance in Canvas or using the Grade Prep Tool, contact Canvas at
For technical assistance, contact the DoIT Help Desk at
Table of Contents
Exporting and Entering Grades in Excel: Step-by-Step
Part 1: Exporting a Roster for Grading Purposes
- Log in to MyUW, then select the Faculty Center tile.
- The main page will display your schedule for the current term. To view the schedule for a different term, click the Change Term button.
- Select the class for which you need to enter grades.
- Click one of the following:
Grade Roster
Packaged Grade Roster
XL-MW Grade Roster
- On the grade roster page, click the Export button.
- Click Save on the File Download dialog box.
- In the Save As dialog box:
- You may change the file name.
- Change the file type to .csv (not .xls).
- Select the location in which you want to save the file.
- Click Save.
- Important: The Excel spreadsheet must be saved in the .csv file format.
- Mac users: Select csv (Windows) when saving and name the file with 30 characters or fewer.
Part 2: Entering Grade Information into the Exported Roster File
- Open the .csv file you saved in Part 1.
- Enter each student’s grade in the Grade Input column.
- Save the file, making sure to keep it a .csv file.
- If you get asked if you want to keep the file in the Comma Delimited format, select Yes.
- To import the spreadsheet, continue to the import instructions below.
Importing from the Exported Spreadsheet: Step-by-Step
- Log in to MyUW, then select the Faculty Center tile.
- The main page will display your schedule for the current term. To view the schedule for a different term, click the Change Term button.
- Select the class for which you need to enter grades.
- Click one of the following:
Grade Roster
Packaged Grade Roster
XL-MW Grade Roster
- On the grade roster page, click the Import button.
- From the Choose File dialog box, select and open the file (.csv) that includes your students’ grade information.
- Click Upload.
- From the Grade Roster page, click Save.
- Review any error messages that appear.
- If you have entered an invalid grade, you will see an error message and invalid entries highlighted in red.
- If the names in the grade roster do not match your extracted roster, you will see an error message. Contact the Office of the Registrar for assistance.
- When you have entered all grades for this section, submit them to the Office of the Registrar for posting:
- On the Grade Roster, select Submit to Registrar.
- On the XL-MW / Packaged Grade Roster, click Submit.
- Click [Save].
Important Notes
- The only files that can be imported are files that were exported as outlined earlier in this document or files processed by the Faculty Center Grade Prep Tool in Canvas. Whichever file you use, it is critical that you do not change the spreadsheet’s structure and headers.
- Delete the saved .csv files after you have imported them.