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Student Center - Print Enrollment Verification


An overview and step-by-step guide to downloading an official Enrollment Verification Letter.


An Enrollment Verification Letter is an official letter certifying your enrollment status and dates of attendance.

The letter is available for immediate download through the Student Center.

In case you require a paper copy, or if you need additional text such as academic standing or expected graduation date, contact the Office of the Registrar.


  1. Log in to MyUW.
  2. Click on the Student Center tile, then the Academic Records tile.

    Student Center tile Academic records tile

  3. From the menu on the left, select Print Enrollment Verification.

    Print Enrollment Verification

  4. Select one of the radio buttons and click Submit:
    1. Currently Enrolled Terms: The letter will only include the current and any future terms for which you have registered.
    2. All Enrolled Terms: The letter will include all semesters for which you have been registered, in any career.

    • Optional: If you are an Undergraduate and/or University Special student, you may select the Include Academic Standing checkbox if you want this information to display (e.g. Good Academic Standing, Probation, etc.).
    • Note: Academic standing will not display for "Currently Enrolled Terms" since it is only calculated at the end of a given term.

    Select verification options

  5. In case you require a paper copy or need additional text such as expected graduation date, contact the Office of the Registrar.

Keywordsadd, change, course (courses, class), course search and enroll, dars (DARS), degree (degrees, degree planner), drop, gpa (GPA), hold, honors, indicators, name, permission, plan (plans, planner), record (records), requisite (prerequisite), schedule (scheduler), sis (SIS), swap, textbook (textbooks), transcript, transfer, wait (waitlist, wait list), withdraw (withdrawal)   Doc ID98391
OwnerDanielle C.GroupOffice of the Registrar
Created2020-03-02 16:43:19Updated2024-06-19 15:35:48
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Office of the Registrar
Feedback  40   15