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SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Deleting vs. Canceling Sections

This document outlines the differences between deleting and canceling a class section.


Class sections that will not be offered for a term must be removed from the Schedule of Classes and must either be canceled or deleted depending on the circumstances.

Table of Contents

Deleting Sections vs. Canceling Sections and Appropriate Use Cases

Delete a class section when:

  • The Schedule of Classes has not been released. A class section should only be deleted if the Schedule of Classes for that term has not been released yet in Course Search & Enroll. 
    • Note: At any time during Initial Call or Final Call for a given term, class sections should always be deleted if a department does not intend to offer the section.

Cancel a class section when: 

  • The Schedule of Classes has been released. Canceling a section after the Schedule of Classes for that term has been released and appears in Course Search & Enroll will ensure students receive correct information in the enrollment system.
    • Never delete a section after the Schedule of Classes has been released; doing so will remove the class number, resulting in errors for enrollment and student confusion.
    • Important: You will have to work with Curricular Services to cancel a section with enrollment.

How to Delete a Section Before the Schedule of Classes is Published

Step 1

From the SIS Homepage, select the Curric & Enrollment Rep WorkCenter tile. Select the Maintain Schedule of Classes link. Use the Find page to locate the course. Search by Institution, Term, and Subject Area (option: add Catalog Nbr). Select the desired course.

Step 2

On the Basic Data tab, navigate to the section to be deleted. Select the “-” button on the top right corner of the section.

Class Sections screen with circle around cancel or delete section. The plus and minus icons

Step 3

Select Save.

How to Cancel a Section After the Schedule of Classes is Published

Step 1

From the SIS Homepage, select the Curric & Enrollment Rep WorkCenter tile. Select the Maintain Schedule of Classes link. Use the Find page to locate the course. Search by Institution, Term, and Subject Area (option: add Catalog Nbr). Select the desired course.

Step 2

Select the Enrollment Control Tab, and navigate to the section to be deleted. In the Class Status menu, select “Cancelled section.”

Enrollment Control class status drop down cancel toggle

Step 3

Select the yellow Cancel Class button. The date will appear.

Enrollment Control Cancel class button

Step 4

Select Save.

Note: If you need to cancel a section with enrollment, on the Enrollment Control Tab set the enrollment capacity to 0 so no additional students may enroll. Then contact Curricular Services to assist with canceling the section.


course (courses, class), course search and enroll, drop, record (records), schedule (scheduler), sis (SIS), withdraw (withdrawal) 
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Owned by:
Kate K. in Office of the Registrar
Office of the Registrar