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Topics Map > Student Information System (SIS)

SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Maintain Schedule of Classes: Basic Data Tab


The Basic Data tab of Maintain Schedule of Classes is used to schedule new sections and/or edit existing sections of a course.


From the SIS Homepage, select the Curric & Enrollment Rep WorkCenter tile. Select Maintain Schedule of Classes. 

Use the Find page to locate the course. Search by Institution, Term, and Subject Area (option: add Catalog Nbr). 

Basic Data Tab Field Descriptions

Displayed Fields

Basic data tab with the displayed fields at the top of the page highlighted

Displayed fields
Field Description
Course ID Unique number assigned by the system when a course is first added to the Course Catalog
Academic Institution Always displays UWMSN for UW–Madison
Term Four-digit numeric code representing century; academic year; and fall, spring, or summer
Subject Area Three-digit numeric code that identifies an instructional unit with a discrete grouping of courses
Catalog Nbr Course number in a Subject Area
Course Offering Nbr Each course (and member within a cross-listed group) will have a unique Course Offering Number

Fields that may be updated by Curricular Representatives

Basic data tab fields reps may edit highlighted, session, class section, component, class type, associated class, instructions mode, schedule print, students specific permissions and course topic ID

Fields that may be updated by Curricular Representatives
Field Description

Represents the length and weeks a class meets. Regular sessions of full Fall and Spring terms are coded as A1. Courses meeting less than the full semester and summer term have a 3-letter code representing the Begin week, Span, and weeks of Instruction. Review this page for more details and to view all available session codes for a given term. 

Never change session codes on existing sections. Instead, delete or cancel the section and re-add the section in the correct session.

Class Section

Every class is identified with a three-digit Class Section number assigned by the user. Use the following ranges of class section numbers:

001 - 299 Range 1: primary component type

301 - 599 Range 2: second component type

601 - 899 Range 3: third component type

Never change an existing class section number. Never repeat section numbers on the same course, even if they are in different sessions. To add a new class section, see also: SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Maintain Schedule of Classes: Adding a Section to an Existing Course


Used for scheduling and reporting purposes, component types are not intended to describe the pedagogy or instruction mode of the class. Component types include Lecture (LEC), Discussion (DIS), Laboratory (LAB), Seminar (SEM), Field Studies (FLD), and Independent Study (IND). Use the lookup icon to determine which components have been approved through academic governance and are available in the course catalog to select for a given course.

Class Type

Identifies whether the class section is an Enrollment Section or Non-Enrollment Section.

For single-component course offerings, such as a standalone Lecture, Seminar, or Independent Study, the Class Type should be Enrollment Section.

For multi-component offerings, usually only one component type is identified as Enrollment Section and the other component types are Non-Enrollment Sections. For example, in a course with Lectures and Discussions, the Discussions are generally set to Enrollment Section and the Lectures to Non-Enrollment Section. For each enrollment package (e.g., Lecture 001 and Discussion 301), only one section can be the Enrollment Section.

Associated Class

Identifies class sections that are part of a unique enrollment package. Do not repeat Associated Class numbers across offerings in different sessions.

Each unique enrollment package must have its own association number. Usually the Associated Class number matches the Class Section number. However, use 9999 for Range 1 components associated with multiple Range 2 components. For example, if a lecture is associated with multiple discussion sections, the lecture should have the Associated Class number 9999 and each discussion should have a unique Associated Class number.

Remember that variable credits, honors designations, and section-level requisites are coded based on Associated Class number. 

See also: SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Class Associations

Units Number of units (credits) that this offering of a course can be taken for. If the course is approved for a credit range as shown in the course catalog (e.g., 1-4 credits), determine if the specific offering should be scheduled for a range or a fixed credit value (e.g., 3 credits). Be sure to update the minimum/maximum credits accordingly; see: SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Editing Variable Credit
Instruction Mode

Method of instruction. Select from P: Classroom instruction, WC: Online (some classroom), or WO: Online only. For more details, review the mode-of-instruction descriptions. Curricular Reps may NOT update Instruction Mode after students are enrolled and must contact Curricular Services in this situation.  

Schedule Print Check this field for the course to appear in Course Search & Enroll.
Student Specific Permissions If the field is checked, Student Specific Permissions may be set up. If unchecked, General Permissions may be set up.
Course Topic ID Each Course Topic established for the particular course has a unique ID. The title of the topic displays after selecting the ID and tabbing out of the field. Select look up button to view selections. If you are scheduling a topics course, click the lookup icon to view the topics available for the given course. Select the topic from the list. Review SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Add a New Topic if you need to add a topic to the course. 
Course Attribute Section-specific course attributes (e.g., GE - General Education). For more information on attributes, see SIS - Class/Course Attributes
Course Attribute Value Course attribute specification (e.g., Communication Part B)

Displayed Fields that Curricular Representatives May Not Edit

Basic data tab fields reps may not edit

Displayed Fields that Curricular Representatives May Not Edit
Field Description
Campus Always displays MAIN
Location Usually displays MADISON for UW–Madison. Do not change this field.
Course Administrator Determines e-Grading functionality on Association 9999 courses. Ignore this field unless instructed to check or update by Curricular Services.
Academic Organization Identifies schools, colleges, and/or individual departments. A single-digit alpha character or three-digit alpha/numeric code identifies a school or college. An alpha character followed by four numbers identifies a department(s) within those schools and colleges.
Academic Group Identifies a school or college within the university
Holiday Schedule Always displays UWMH
Primary Instr Section Matches section number. Do not change this field.
Class Nbr Unique 5-digit number automatically assigned to each section, which can be used for student enrollment.
Start/End Date Start and end date for the session.Do not change this field.
Event ID Automatically generated when Meeting pattern is updated

Basic Data Fields We Do Not Use at UW–Madison 

  • Auto Create Component
  • Add Fee
  • Dynamic Date Calc Req’d
  • Generate Class Mtg Attend
  • Sync Attendance with Class Mtg
  • GL Interface Required
  • Print Topic in Schedule

Keywordssis, SIS   Doc ID118648
OwnerKate K.GroupOffice of the Registrar
Created2022-05-20 12:55:40Updated2024-04-15 11:32:23
SitesOffice of the Registrar
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