Topics Map > Student Information System (SIS)
Topics Map > Student Records
Topics Map > Grading

SIS - Dean's Grade Change

This document provides information about approving or denying grade changes and reassigning student grade changes.


The Dean’s Online Grade Change Worklist is to be used by Deans/Reps to approve or deny grade changes submitted by the instructor of record. Requests take approximately three to five business days to process.

Note: Limited offices have access to set the override.

Approving or Denying a Grade Change

To approve or deny a grade change, follow the steps below:

  1. In SIS, from the home page, select "Worklist."
  2. If you use the Worklist for Academic Actions, you will need to select the "Work List Filters" drop-down box and select "Grade Change" from the available options.
  3. Select the student’s name link to view the "Grade Change Request" page.

    The Worklist page. A red circle surrounds the link titled a student's name.

  4. Review the Grade Change Request.

    The Grade Change Request page with a student's changed grade.

  5. If the grade change results in an Academic Action for a student, select the appropriate Academic Action from the drop-down list.
    • Note: Only one academic action may be selected.
    • Tip: If additional actions need to be assigned, note them in the "Additional Comments" field.
  6. If the grade change results in Honors for the student, select the appropriate Honors code from the drop-down list.
  7. If you have any further instructions that need to be communicated to the Office of the Registrar or an additional academic action, use the "Additional Comments" field.
  8. If you Approve the grade change request:
    1. Select Change Status of "Approved."
    2. Select "Submit to Registrar's Office."

      The Grade Change Request page with "approved" selected in the "change status" box.

  9. If you Deny the grade change request:
    1. Select Change Status of "Denied."
    2. Select the instructor email link to notify them.

      The Grade Change Request page with a box indicating the instructor email link.

    3. Select "View Worklist."
    4. If you want to remove the denied work item, select its "Mark Worked" button.

Reassigning Student Grade Change

To reassign a grade change request to a different person, follow the steps below:

  1. In Worklist, select the "Reassign" button for the desired student Work Item.
  2. Enter the three-character User ID of the person to whom you are reassigning this item. If you do not know the User ID, follow the steps below or contact the Office of the Registrar:
    1. Select the User ID look-up magnifying glass.
    2. Select "Description" from the "Search By" drop-down box.
    3. Type %Lastname%.
    4. Select "Look Up."
    5. Select the row of the desired person that has a three-character User ID.

      The Look Up User ID window.

  3. Enter your comment.

    The comment screen

  4. Select "OK."

change, record (records), sis (SIS) 
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Owned by:
Logan R. in Office of the Registrar
DoIT Help Desk, Office of the Registrar