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Topics Map > Credit Evaluation
Topics Map > Student Information System (SIS)
Topics Map > Student Records

SIS - Transfer Credit Inquiry

This document provides information about the SIS Transfer Credit Inquiry process.

Table of Contents

Viewing and/or Printing a Transfer Credit Summary

Step 1

From Home, select "Student Records WorkCenter Transfer Credit Summary." You will see the "Find" page displayed.

  • Tip: Menu Navigation: > Records and Enrollment >Transfer Credit Evaluation > Transfer Credit Summary

Step 2

Depending on if you already have a Run Control ID or not, follow the below steps:

  1. If your Run Control ID has never been created:
    1. Select the "Add a New Value" link or page tab.
    2. Enter a code to use as your Run Control ID.
    3. Select "Add."
  2. If your Run Control ID has already been created:
    1. On the Find page, enter your Run Control ID.
    2. Select "Search."

Step 3

Enter the student's ID. You will see the "Selection Criteria" page displayed.

Tip: Use the magnifying glass to look up a Campus ID.

A screenshot of the "Selection Criteria" page.

Step 4

Click "Submit." You will see the "Selection Result" page.

Tip: Review Details for all term/school rows.

A screenshot of the "Selection Criteria" page with black circles around the "Generate Report" button and navigation for "Transfer Model Details."

Step 5

Click "Generate Report." A Process Instance will be created, and the "Generate Report" button will change into a "Report Manager" link.

A screenshot of the "Selection Criteria" page with a black circle around the "Process Instance" number and "Report Manager" link.

Step 6

Remember or write down your Process Instance number.

Step 7

Select "Report Manager." You will see the "Administration" page.

A screenshot of the "Administration" page with a black circle around the "Prcs Instance" and "Description."

Step 8

Find your Prcs Instance number.

  • Tip: The most recent will always be on the top.
  • Tip: Click the "Refresh" button if the status is not listed as "Posted."

Step 9

Select the Student Transfer Credit Eval link for the desired process instance. The file will open in Adobe Acrobat.

Step 10

View; or to print, select the Adobe Acrobat Print icon. The Transfer Credit Evaluation for all rows of data is then viewable or will print.

Viewing Cumulative Transfer GPA for Students

Step 1

Navigate to > Student Admissions > Applicant Summaries > Application Evaluation Summary. You will see the "Find" page displayed.

Step 2

Search for the desired student. You will see the "Overall Results" page displayed.

A screenshot of the "Overall Results" page with a black circle around the Cumulative Transfer GPA.

Step 3

View the Cumulative Transfer GPA.

Viewing Equivalency Tables

Step 1

Navigate to > UW Madison Applications > Undergrad Admissions > Transfer Credit > UW Course Transfer Rules. You will see the "Find" page displayed.

Step 2

Search and select the desired course. You will see the "Course Equivalency" page displayed.

  • Tip: Look up the External Org ID by using the magnifying glass lookup.
  • Tip: Enter part of the School Subject or School Course Number to narrow your search results.
  • Tip: In the Search Results list, current equivalencies have an end date of 12/31/1999.

    A screenshot of the "UW Course Transfer Rules" page.

Step 3

View the Course Equivalency results.

A screenshot of the "Course Equivalency" results, with arrows pointing to the general education requirements and number of credits.

Link: Transfer Credit Inquiry (.DOC)

degree (degrees, degree planner), record (records), sis (SIS), transcript, transfer 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Logan R. in Office of the Registrar
DoIT Help Desk, Office of the Registrar