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SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Adding Section-Level Requisites


This document describes section-level requisites and how to attach them to appropriate class sections.

What are requisites? What is a section-level class requisite?

Requisites limit which students may enroll in a course offering without obtaining special permission.

A catalog requisite most commonly specifies the academic preparation that students need to be successful in a course, such as completion of prior coursework. A catalog requisite automatically applies to all sections of a course. Catalog requisites are initially approved at the time of course creation, and subsequent changes to a catalog requisite cannot be made without being approved through academic governance.

A section-level requisite is not required but may be added to a class section in addition to the course’s catalog requisite. Section-level requisites generally enforce enrollment controls, for example, limiting enrollment to declared majors, to students with certain academic standing (e.g., seniors), and/or students with program affiliations that are tracked in SIS via student groups  (e.g., residents of specific residence halls for a section taught in a Housing classroom).

Section-level requisites can be added and removed by curricular representatives as their department sees fit. For example, a section-level requisite limiting enrollment to students declared in a specific major might be added before the schedule is released but later removed after continuing students have had an opportunity to enroll. If a section-level requisite will be removed at a known date and time, curricular reps can add a Class Note with that detail at Maintain Schedule of Classes, e.g., “If seats are available, enrollment will open to students in any major on May 1 at 9:00 AM CT.” See: Maintain Schedule of Classes: Notes Tab

Section-level requisites may not enforce academic requirements, which are governed and therefore must be enforced via the catalog requisite. The exception to that rule is topics courses, which — because of their varying content — are permitted to enforce academic requirements at the section level.

How to attach a section-level class requisite

To view enforced requisites and attach a section-level class requisite, follow these steps.

Step 1

From Home, select: Curric & Enroll Rep WorkCenter, Adjust Class Associations. The "Find" page will display.

Tip: Menu navigation: > Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Adjust Class Association.

Step 2 

Use the "Find" page to locate the desired course. Search by Term and Subject Area to view a list of all scheduled courses, or search by Term, Subject Area, and Catalog Nbr to find a specific course. Select the course you want to view, and the "Adjust Class Associations" page will display.

Note: Associations of ‘9999’ do not display. For course offerings using 9999 associations, update section-level requisites on the associations for the enrollment components, i.e., the non-9999 associations. 

Step 3

Select the "Class Requisites" tab and navigate to the correct Associated Class number using the row counter arrows. 

Class Requisites tab showing Section level requisite look up and highlight over requirement group in class association requisites

Step 4

If you know the six-digit Requirement Group number, you may enter it in the Requirement Group field. The Requirement Group number and short and long description will display. You can also view and select from a list of existing requisites for your subject by selecting the look up icon, entering the subject number in the "Subject Area" field, and selecting "Look Up."

Look up Requirement Group by subject number

The selected Requirement Group description will display. 

Class Association Requisites Section level requisite detail

Step 5 

Continue attaching a requirement group to all appropriate Associated Class numbers (class sections).

Tip: Select "View All" to see all associations within this course.

Step 6 

Select "Save."

Tip: To remove a Class Association Requirement Group, clear out the Requirement Group field from all needed associated class numbers and select "Save." 

See also: Request the creation and enforcement of a new section-level requisite

Keywordscourse (courses, class), course search and enroll, requisite (prerequisite), sis (SIS)   Doc ID27665
OwnerKate K.GroupOffice of the Registrar
Created2012-12-12 12:36:01Updated2024-04-04 16:01:59
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Office of the Registrar
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