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Microsoft Outlook - How to Reserve a Russell Labs Conference Room

This document describes how to reserve a Russell Labs conference room using Microsoft Outlook 365 or Microsoft Outlook Desktop, and lists the calendar names and email addresses for the Russell Labs conference rooms. It also includes information on how to book recurring and biweekly meetings.


Entomology, Plant Pathology, and Forest & Wildlife faculty, students, and staff; Hub staff


You can reserve some Russell Labs conference rooms yourself using Microsoft Outlook 365 (Web version) or Microsoft Outlook for desktop.

Rules for the rooms vary; make sure you go to the room's detail page (linked from the table on the Hub site) and read the reservation rules before you make the booking in Outlook.

Important: Do NOT book the 584 Library room in Outlook - all reservations require the department chair's permission. Read the room's detail page to learn how to request the chair's permission. 

To reserve a room, you add the room as an invitee rather than choosing it as a room/location.

How to Reserve a Russell Labs Conference Room (Web version)

You may want to open these instructions in a separate window. That way you can put the instructions window next to the Outlook calendar screen.  To do that, click the browser tab and drag it out and away into a separate window. 

If you get stuck, reach out to Russell IT at

  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Click the calendar icon Outlook 365 Calendar Icon on the upper left side.

  3. Click New Event (upper left corner).  The New Event window opens:

    Outlook 365 - New Event Window - Blank

  4. Complete the screen based on the information below, then click Save.  You will receive an Accepted, Tentative, or Declined email back once the meeting has been processed.


  • Click Add Title. Enter a title for the meeting. 

Special Case: Confidential Candidates

If the meeting is an interview, and the candidate asked that their application be kept confidential, consider entering the position title (or PVL number) and candidate number.

Example: Vector Biology/Ecology Interview Candidate #1.

Teams meeting (video conference)

  • Click and drag the Teams meeting circle right.

Invite attendees

To reserve the conference room, do not use "Search for a room or location." Instead, invite the room to the meeting. 

To see a full list of Russell Labs conference rooms you can reserve, and access links to more information about them, click the accordion panel below.

  • Click Invite attendees.
  • Type russell followed directly by the room number (no spaces).
  • The full conference room name will popup.
  • Click to select it.

    Russell Labs Conference Room List - click to display or collapse


    Conference Room Names
    Calendar Name Calendar Email Address
    Russell A120 Computer Lab
    Russell A228 Classroom Lab
    Russell A232 Conference Room
    Russell 210 Conference Room
    Russell 216 Conference Room
    Russell 243 Entomology Conference Room
    Russell 584a Conference
    Russell 594 Conference
    Russell Labs Lactation Room


    • Date - leave as-is, or click the date and choose a date from the popup calendar.
    • Times - leave as-is, or choose a new time from the drop-down lists.
    • Time zone - to set a different time zone, click the globe icon and choose the time zone from the drop-down lists that appear. 
    • Find a time - once you have invited the conference room, Find a time appears. This feature suggests days and times that all invitees are available.
    • All day meeting - click and drag the All day circle right.

    Recurring Meetings - click to display or collapse

    To create a recurring meeting, click Make Recurring. The Repeat popup window appears:

    Outlook 365 Repeat Popup Window

    Start Date

    • To change start date - either select the date and change it, or click the date and choose a date from the popup calendar.


    Note: meeting frequency defaults to weekly, with the day of the week set to the date in the New Event screen.

    Type of Meeting
    To Create This Type of Meeting Do This...
    Daily Click week and choose day from the drop-down list.
    Weekly Leave the default settings.
    Biweekly Click 1 and choose 2 from the drop-down list.
    Monthly Click week and choose month from the drop-down list.

    When you reset the frequency value (day/week/month/year), the options below it will change.

    End Date

    • Make sure to check this setting - "Occurs every [value varies] until" 
    • To change the end date, click it and choose a new date from the popup calendar.
    • Click "Remove end date" to schedule the meeting indefinitely.

    How to Reserve a Russell Labs Conference Room (desktop version)

    1. Open Microsoft Outlook on your computer.

    2. Click the calendar icon in the lower left of the screen:

      Calendar Icon - Outlook

    3. Click New Meeting:

      New Meeting Icon - Outlook

    4. The New Meeting screen appears.

      Special Case: Interviews

      Some candidates ask that their application be kept confidential.

      Instead of using the candidate’s name in the title, consider entering the position title (or PVL number) and candidate number. Example: Vector Biology/Ecology Interview Candidate #1.

    5. Click in the Required box. 

    6. In the Required field, type or paste either the name of the conference room calendar or the email of the conference room calendar. Refer to the list of conference rooms in the accordion panel below.

    7. The conference room name appears in a popup - click to select it:

      Add New Meeting Screen - Outlook

    8. Add any additional attendees.

    9. Complete the rest of the form.

    10. Click Send. You will receive an Accepted, Tentative, or Declined email back once the meeting has been processed.

    Russell Labs Conference Room List - click to display or collapse


    Conference Room Names
    Calendar Name Calendar Email Address
    Russell A120 Computer Lab
    Russell A228 Classroom Lab
    Russell A232 Conference Room
    Russell 210 Conference Room
    Russell 216 Conference Room
    Russell 243 Entomology Conference Room
    Russell 584a Conference
    Russell 594 Conference
    Russell Labs Lactation Room

    Thank you Eric Dieckman for the screen grabs in the Outlook instructions.

    Other Outlook KB Docs


    • For questions on how to use Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Outlook 365 to reserve conference rooms, please email
    • For questions about the conference rooms and reservation rules/procedures, please contact the Hub Administrative Assistant.

    conference rooms, reserving conference rooms, how to reserve a conference room, Microsoft Outlook 365, Microsoft Outlook, lactation room, recurring meetings, biweekly meetings 
    Doc ID:
    Owned by:
    Dixie L. in Russell Labs Hub
    Russell Labs Hub