Topics Map > Facilities/Instrumentation

Administration - Coffee Making in Room 218

This is for making coffee in the kitchen in room 218


  • Entomology, Plant Pathology, and Forest & Wildlife faculty, students, and staff; Hub staff


Click to View Coffee-making Items and Locations

Coffee-making Items and Locations
Item Photo Location
Coffee machine - in background at left: Coffee Airpot at right On counter
Coffee airpot - in foreground at right: Coffee Airpot at right On counter
Coffee canister Coffee Canister On the shelf over the microwave
Scoop (1/2 cup) Coffee Scoop In coffee canister
Coffee filter Coffee Filter On the shelf over the microwave
Plastic container for water Plastic container for water On the counter next to the sink
Filtered Water Filtered Water From the filtered water in the hallway, fountain located next to the second floor elevators


  • Please make sure the pot is empty before you put water in.


  1. Fill the plastic container with filtered water.
  2. Place the coffee filter on the counter.
  3. Open the coffee canister, and use the scoop to add coffee to the coffee filter to your taste.
  4. Carefully place the filled coffee filter into the black plastic filter tray of the coffee machine.
  5. Open the lid of the airpot.
  6. Make sure to seat the spigot correctly:
    Spigot seatment
  7. Place the coffee airpot with cap inserted under the filter tray.
  8. Add water from one plastic container into top of coffee maker.
  9. Adjust the cap of coffee airpot as needed under filter tray.
  10. Watch to make sure everything is working properly.
  11. Wipe the counter down if there are any stray coffee crystals.
Recommended Amount
of Coffee Crystals
Start with
This Amount
Increase for
Stronger Coffee
1/2 cup 1 1/2 scoops
3/4 cup
2 scoops
1 cup


  1. Empty filters after done.
  2. Make a new pot when one is empty (especially in the morning).
  3. If you overflow a pot, clean it up.


Keywordsrussell lab hub administration, coffee, coffee pot, coffee drinking, coffee filter, coffee making   Doc ID68027
OwnerAlyson A.GroupRussell Labs Hub
Created2016-10-25 12:35:05Updated2023-08-25 12:23:08
SitesRussell Labs Hub
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