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Coffee Making in Room 218

This document explains how to make coffee in the kitchen in room 218.


  • Entomology, Plant Pathology, and Forest & Wildlife faculty, students, and staff; Hub staff



  • Please make sure to empty and rinse out the coffee pot before making a new pot.  

Equipment and Supplies You Will Need

Equipment and Supplies
Item Location
Coffee airpot* On counter
Coffee machine On counter
Coffee canister (silver) On counter
Scoop, plastic, 1/2 cup In coffee canister
Coffee filter On shelf over the microwave
Pitcher, plastic, opaque On counter next to sink
Water, filtered From the filtered water in the hallway;
fountain located next to the second floor elevators

Steps to Make One Pot of Coffee

The green "ready" light should be on. If the green light is not on, plug in the coffee machine.

Two scoops of coffee grounds + one plastic pitcher of water = one pot of coffee.

  1. Fill the pitcher with filtered water.
  2. Place the coffee filter on the counter.
  3. Open the coffee canister.
  4. Use the plastic scoop in the canister to add two scoops of coffee grounds to the filter.
  5. Place the filled filter in the coffee machine's black plastic filter tray. 
  6. Open the lid of the airpot.*
  7. Make sure the airpot is empty. Seat the spigot as shown in the photo below:
     Spigot seatment
  8. Place the coffee airpot with cap inserted under the filter tray.
  9. Pour water from the plastic pitcher into top of coffee maker.
  10. Watch the coffee maker begin to brew and correct any problems.

The coffee machine will finish brewing in about eight minutes.

*The coffee airpot is the silver cylinder in the right of this photo:
Coffee Airpot at right

Please Help Keep This Area Clean

  1. Empty the filter when the brewing finishes.
  2. Clean up stray coffee grounds by wiping the counter down.
  3. Make a new pot of coffee if you find the pot empty, especially in the morning.
  4. Clean up spills from overflowed coffee pots.


russell lab hub administration, coffee, coffee pot, coffee drinking, coffee filter, coffee making 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Alyson A. in Russell Labs Hub
Russell Labs Hub