Account Naming Conventions
Users should provide as much clarity as possible when creating naming Accounts. The organization’s full name should be used whenever possible and acronyms and abbreviations should be avoided.
Example: Johnson Controls, Inc. should be named as such in this Salesforce instance. This company is often referred to as JCI. This acronym should be avoided. Only use acronyms or abbreviations when the organization operates exclusively with this shortened name, such as 3M for Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining Company.
Administrative Accounts
Administrative Accounts are a Salesforce feature that enables individual people (Contacts) to be Accounts. This allows an individual Contact to be affiliated to multiple Accounts over time. When creating a Contact, simply follow instructions to enter in the Last Name of the Contact in the Administrative Account field.
Example: LeBron Kapernick, the recruiter for Harley Davidson, sent a web inquiry about the upcoming career and internship fair. LeBron is not in the Salesforce instance so the record is created as a Lead. In the process of creating the Lead, LeBron Kapernick is entered into the system with his name and the Kapernick Administrative Account. Once he is contacted he is converted into an official Contact and then affiliated with Harley Davidson.
Affiliated Contacts
Affiliated Contacts on an Account are often the staff of that organization. This may also include UW faculty members who work as private consultants or are named professors of that organization.
Example: Joy Carns, Senior Business Development Manager, is an Affiliated Contact with her employer, Quad, Inc. She also has a specific role managing her company's partnership with UW-Madison. Her Partnership Role of "Alliance Manager" is noted in her Affiliated Contact record.
Affiliating UW named professors with organization Account
If the UW faculty member is a licensed User of Salesforce - make them a part of the Relationship Management Team. If not a User, create a Contact for the professor and make them an Affiliated Contact with the organization.
Example: Brian Yandell is the American Family Insurance named chair of the Am Fam Data Science Institute. He is not a User of Salesforce. First, make him a Contact under the Data Science Institute Account. Then make him an Affiliated Contact with American Family Insurance.
Affiliations (Affiliated Accounts)
Many Accounts, especially companies, have partnerships with other Accounts. Users can track these connections using Affiliated Accounts.
Example: Colony Brands is a consortium member of the UWE-Business Consortium. To note this, in the Account, navigate to the Related tab and add a new Affiliations (Affiliated Accounts) record.
Campaigns for Mass Emails and Outreach
Allows users to manage lists for regular outreach. Note: Users may have to locate the Campaigns object in the App Launcher (the 9-dot button on the far left of the navigation bar.)
Example: Create a Campaign to manage a list of company Contacts who receive a monthly email from a UW research center.
Campaigns to Manage Multiple Leads
Allow Users to manage multiple Leads from Events or to organize lists of Accounts / Contacts. Note: Users may have to locate the Campaigns object in the App Launcher (the 9-dot button on the far left of the navigation bar.)
Example: Create a Campaign to manage Leads gathered from business cards at the Bio-forward Wisconsin Annual Meeting / Conference.
Chatter is a social feed communication tool. It is used to track conversations between Users by tagging (@UserFirstLastName) on an organization's Account. Note: Users cannot run Reports on Chatter activity. It is best to use New Note or New Event-Meeting in Activity to enter formal meeting notes for better Reporting practices.
Example: The American Family Insurance UW Relationship Management Team interacts with Am Fam staff members on a regular basis, in an effort to steward the campus-wide partnership. They use Chatter to provide updates and feedback on the partnership. This practice allows for more effective and accurate communication, rather than emailing back and forth.
Email Templates
Users can create and utilize email templates, saving time while communicating with Contacts and Leads. To start, search in the 9-Dot App Launcher for "Email Templates", then select "New Email Template" and create. If a User receives very common inquiries such as, "when is the next career fair?”, or "where does a company go to license a technology patent owned by UW?", the User should create the outline for an email reply with an Email Template for efficiency. The User can save this in the Public Folder for other Users to utilize.
Engagements represent key milestones in the partnership with an Account. This may include a site visit to a company, or a day visit on campus to meet with research faculty and career services staff. Creating an Engagement on an Account allows the User to manage the tasks and communication associated with this milestone interaction.
Example: Amcor would live to visit campus for in-person meetings with DCS and Personal Finance faculty to discuss an online program for their employees. A new Engagement is created titled, “Amcor: Campus visit with DCS and Personal Finance faculty”.
Engagement Name (* See rule for Multiple Accounts)
Account (Organization) Name: Title of Engagement
Example: Under Armour: On-campus meeting with Wisconsin School of Business and College of Engineering
Users are encouraged to add Files such as meeting agendas, attendee lists, or other documents in the Account Details tab.
Example: The Ab E Discovery site visit agenda and participant list (for UW financial tracking) can be attached in the Files section on the Account.
Foundation Organizations
Foundation organizations are Affiliated Accounts of a corporate entity, NOT child/parent relationships with a corporate entity.
Example: Kellogg Foundation would be an Affiliated Account to Kellogg Company
Leads: Creating and Converting Leads
Leads are individual people who have not been qualified to be a Contact in the system yet. It is User discretion as to who qualifies as a Contact in the system. Using the Leads object is a great way for Users' units to track and report inquires.
Example: The Office of Business Engagement maintains a web inquiry page. Each inquiry is put into Salesforce as a Lead. One of the OBE engagement directors contacts the Lead to answer the inquiry. The Lead is closed if there is a quick and easy answer and no further partnership with the Lead is possible. If there is an opportunity for a partnership with the Lead, the Lead is converted into a Contact in the system.
Leads: Unassigned Leads Queue
The Unassigned Leads Queue is a tool utilized by the Office of Business Engagement to manage inquires directed to this unit.
Example: The OBE Office Manager receives a web inquiry. It is entered into the system and put in the Unassigned Leads Queue. This notifies the OBE engagement director team to claim (change owner) and follow up with the Lead.
Log a Call
Log a Call tab is a general term for adding quick retroactive notes on an interaction. Most commonly used to quickly add a short note on an unplanned or impromptu call or interaction. Note: It is the preferred best practice to utilize the New Note and Chatter features rather than using Log a Call. Log a Call might only be used on the Mobile App.
Example: At a networking lunch you run into a colleague from Abbott Labs. You talk business and want to make a quick note of the interaction. You log into Salesforce, select the Abbott Laboratories Account, navigate to Activity, select Log a Call, write a Subject line, and make notes of the interaction in Comments.
Meeting Notes
After a Meeting, Users should add formal meeting notes in one of two ways.
If the meeting was directly linked to an Engagement or Outcome add the notes to New Note.
If no Engagement or Outcome is directly involved and/or you wish to tag @ other Users, post the notes in the New Event-Meeting description.
Example: Notes from the on-campus prep meeting with faculty for the Ab E Discovery site visit can be entered in the Meeting description as outlined in a prior example. Additionally, formal notes from a site visit to Ab E Discovery should be entered in the Notes section on the Ab E Discovery Account. This allows the User to connect these Notes to the Engagement “Ab E Discovery: Site Visit with Faculty”.
Merging Organization Accounts
From time to time an organization is acquired by another organization. We ask that Users DO NOT merge organization Accounts. Instead, make a request by emailing
Merging Organization Accounts: System Administrators Only
If the organization still operates separately, simply add the new Account as a Parent Account. Otherwise, change Account name to Company X (Acquired by Company YDate). Then, Affiliate Company X Account with Company Y. This will maintain the history of the account.
Example: Cellular Dynamics is a subsidiary of Fuji Film. It still operates as Cellular Dynamics. In this case it will remain its own active Account as a Child to Fuji Film as its Parent Account. Dayton Stores was acquired by Macy's in 2001. The Dayton Stores Account name would be changed to "Dayton Stores (Acquired by Macy's, 2001)". Then, Affiliated to the Macy's Account.
Multiple organizations / Accounts are involved in an Engagement, Outcome, and Referral
If multiple Accounts are involved with an object, do not list all of the organizations’ names - just include the text “Multiple Accounts:” followed by a brief description).
Example: Multiple Accounts: Fall 2020 Research Day at the Capital
Outcome name formatting (* See rule for Multiple Accounts)
Account (Organization) Name: Title of Outcome
Example: Under Armour: Funding for graduate student fellowship
Outcomes: Funds Acquired Record Type
General use for an Outcome when funds are acquired for items such as scholarships, sponsored research, professional development, etc. If more than one unit is a receiver of funds from this Outcome, create multiple Outcomes.
Example: Cargill has entered into a $1,000,000 career services sponsorship with the College of Engineering and the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. Create two Outcomes, one for each receiver, $500,000 for the College of Engineering, and $500,000 for the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences.
Outcomes: Job Posted Record Type
General use for Users to track when a partnership has resulted in an organization engaging in student recruitment and posting jobs in Handshake for the first time.
Example: After two virtual strategy meetings, a global advertising firm headquartered in New York City has decided to begin recruiting UW students. Posting jobs will be their first step. Users will track this success as an Outcome.
Outcomes: Non-Monetary Record Type
General use for an Outcome without a monetary or talent recruitment result.
Example: Kohl's Department Stores and UW Community Relations sign a Memo of Understanding (MOU) confirming Kohl's local employees will contribute 100 hours of volunteer time at the South Madison Partnership in 2021.
Outcomes: Student Hired Record Type
General use for Users to track when organizations inform UW staff of students hired. This is a manual addition, not tied to student-reported data from the university’s first destination surveys.
Example: During a recent meeting with Epic Systems, career services staff learned that they hired 5 students for business analytics roles. Career Services staff will enter an Outcome to track this.
Parent Organizations
All subsidiaries and/or different locations of an organization should be a Child under the headquarters Parent Account of that organization.
Example: Amazon Operations is a division of Amazon. Amazon is the Parent Organization and Amazon Operations is the Child Account. Apply the Amazon Parent hierarchy to the Amazon Operations Account.
Phone Numbers
Only two most standard forms
Example: 608.123.4567 or (608) 123.4567
Referral Name (* See rule for Multiple Accounts)
Account (Organization) Name: Short description of Referral
Example: Under Armour: Inquiry for Marketing and Finance student recruitment
The Referrals object allows Users to formally refer a Contact to another User. This prompts the referred User to follow up with the Contact. Remember, when creating a Referral, Users must utilize the correct Referral Title naming convention. Account Name: Title of Referral. See example.
Example: Yvonne Howard with Amcor is interested in providing professional development for their financial administrative assistant team. A Referral is created with the title "Amcor: Inquiry about Personal Finance Online Degree program", referred to, Laura Thomas in the referred unit, Division of Continuing Studies (DCS).
Relationship Management Team
List all UW staff/Salesforce Users who are leading the organization's partnership, with their assigned role.
Example: American Family Mutual Insurance: Amy Achter - Primary Account Owner, Melissa Simon - Vertical Lead (for the data science research vertical), Brett Jones - Team Member (helping to manage recruitment with L&S students), Duane Cooper - Team Member (helping to manage recruitment with L&S students). Users can add a Role Detail such as Vertical Lead - Data Science Research in the open text field provided.
Reports and Dashboards
Must go through training before given access to create Reports and Dashboards. Before creating a Report - must ensure a current Report does not meet your needs. All inactive Reports will be deleted after 6 months.
Tasks: Creating and Assigning
Preparing for Engagements and Activities with external partners requires a lot of Tasks. By utilizing the Tasks feature in Activity, Users can manage and assign administrative tasks and reminders.
Example: Milwaukee Tool is visiting campus. Within the Company Visit to Campus Engagement, the user can create a Task such as “Order Parking Passes”, or “Reserve Meeting Location and Catering”. Users can also assign these Tasks to another User, the Office Manager for instance. Please see the Recommended Engagement Tasks Knowledge Base document for a list of tasks for each Engagement Type.
Tracking Contacts to new Accounts
Salesforce is built to track Contacts from Account to Account using Affiliated Accounts.
Example: The recruiter contact, Ted Lloyd, from Rockwell Automation has taken a job as a recruiter for Flownamics. Navigate to Ted Lloyd's Contact record. Under Affiliated Account edit his Rockwell Automation Affiliation Status to Former. Then, add a New Affiliation to Flownamics with a Current Status. This work history will remain on Ted Lloyd's record.
Tracking a Meeting
Many activities, including Meetings, can be reported upon. Users should add upcoming Meetings (Virtual, On Campus, Off Campus) in the Activity tab under New Event with the subject “Meeting” found in both the Account and Contact objects / tabs. The subject can be more specific, if desired.
Example: UW faculty will visit labs at Ab E Discovery. To prepare for the visit the primary account owner needs to facilitate a planning meeting with these faculty members. This meeting is tracked in Activity tab - New Event - Subject: "Ab E Discovery: Prep meeting with Faculty". A description and post-meeting notes are added and it is labeled as an "On-Campus Meeting".
Twitter Integration in Account News
Users can utilize personal or UW unit's Twitter account (if authorized and have login credentials) to integrate accounts and be able to see an organization's Tweets.
University of Wisconsin - Madison Accounts
Users CANNOT make new Accounts for UW-Madison units. Please send an Account creation request to This ensures naming conventions and application of UW unit identification codes.
Example: A User wants to make an Account for University Housing. The User should NOT do this. They should request the creation by sending an email to The Administrator will create the Account with proper naming and identification code.