
Definitions of most commonly used terms within the UW-Madison, Strategic Partnerships Salesforce instance.
AccountsAccounts are your clients, customers, organizations, and partners. Each account record stores information such as name, address, and phone numbers. For each account, you can store related information such as activities, engagements, outcomes, contacts, notes, etc. 
ContactsContacts are the people associated with your accounts that you need to track in Salesforce. For each contact, you can store various kinds of information, such as phone numbers, addresses, titles, and roles.
EngagementsEngagements are the major milestones and events you wish to track associated with the account. Tasks can be created within these engagements. 
OutcomesOutcomes track any value achieved or obtained. These may or may not be tied to engagements. Outcomes are grouped into categories such as funds acquired, job postings obtained, non-monetary values, and students hired. 
ReferralsReferrals track any referral you have made to another user or school/group. 
ContractsContracts contains any agreements and awards as an integration that is updated on a scheduled basis. 
Handshake Activity Handshake Activity contains Handshake related data as an integration that is updated on a scheduled basis. 
LeadsLeads track prospective contacts that you may need to follow up to eventually convert them to a Contact. 
RecordsMost items in SFDC are called Records. Dashboards are not.
Detail PageThe information you see when you access a SFDC record.
Detail PaneThe details grouped into sections on the Details tab of the record. 
Related ListLists arranged at the Related tab of the record.
ABE DetailsOverview of Organization and Employee Matching Giving Amounts through the Wisconsin Foundation & Alumni Association (WFAA) ABE system. Link provided to direct User to ABE system. ABE authorized log in required. 

KeywordsTerminology, Object, salesforce   Doc ID102909
OwnerMegan O.GroupSalesforce - UW-Madison, Strategic Partnerships
Created2020-06-09 14:03:36Updated2022-01-11 15:06:29
SitesSalesforce - UW-Madison, Strategic Partnerships
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