Results: 101-120 of 161

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
101KB User's Guide - Assessment Tab - New Question43456KB User's Guide2023-12-1233674
102KB User's Guide - User Training: How to Guide Those Visiting Your Live KB Site15356KB User's Guide2023-12-0428739
103DoIT Shared Tools - GitLab User Attestation Process (Access Review) for Group Owners132483Shared Tools2023-11-091002
104CloudFax - Frequently Asked Questions102139CloudFax2023-11-099280
105Microsoft 365 (Outlook on the web) - Search for messages and people31847Microsoft 3652023-11-02264023
106Adding a L&S breadth attribute to a course (guidance for department faculty and staff)27031L&S KB2023-10-2345545
107Globus - Accessing ResearchDrive or SharedDrive Storage with Globus [Campus login required]108855UW-Madison Research Data2023-10-161424
108Globus - Accessing Restricted ResearchDrive or Secure Shared Drive Storage with Globus [Campus login required]110094UW-Madison Research Data2023-10-16122
109KB User's Guide - Assessment Tab - Summary45807KB User's Guide2023-10-0926109
110Canvas - Attendance (Roll Call) tool [UW-Madison]94851Learn@UW-Madison2023-09-123107
111Microsoft 365 (Outlook on the web | Outlook for Windows/Mac) - Best practices when using the calendar31305Microsoft 3652023-08-17211589
112WiscIT - Known Issue - Some send email functions in the web client do not attach message contents to journal note91342WiscIT2023-07-193059
113WiscIT - Closing Duplicate Incidents / Reassigning Journals79128WiscIT2023-07-192949
114Canvas - Known Issue - Attendance (Roll Call) Unable to Track Attendance Across Sections [UW-Madison]94927Learn@UW-Madison2023-07-123689
115Bio-ARROW - SmartForm - Recombinant Synthetic DNA/RNA Materials43075ARROW - Institutional Biosafety Committee2023-07-107112
116L&S Criteria for the Workplace Experience Course Attribute73127L&S KB2023-07-057136
117Criteria for the L&S undergraduate "Level" attribute80568L&S KB2023-07-059687
118Criteria for the L&S Liberal Arts and Science ("LAS") attribute43819L&S KB2023-07-0510282
119Document Attachments deSOP [Campus login required]72516UWCCC Clinical Research2023-05-302
120KB User's Guide - Users Tab - Group Authorization22116KB User's Guide2023-05-1634344
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