Results: 1081-1100 of 3158

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1081Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 10-21-21114324The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-10-191281
1082Work Order and Phase Status Overview95409Facilities Planning & Management2021-10-181692
1083ASA Document 767. ASPP Change Chapter 14114249The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-10-121043
1084ASA Document 766. ASPP Change Chapter 13114248The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-10-121037
1085ASA Document 765. Report on 2020-21 Academic Staff Assembly Business114247The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-10-121023
1086ASA Document 764. Resolution Regarding Assembly Districts and the November-December 2021 Assembly Meetings114246The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-10-121031
1087ASA Document 763. 2021 Standing Committee Election Results114241The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-10-121084
1088Academic Staff Assembly Minutes 09-13-21114227The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-10-121460
1089Academic Staff Assembly Materials 10-11-21114070The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-10-111535
1090Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 09-30-21114189The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-10-081297
1091Academic Staff Assembly Agenda 10-11-21114069The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-10-081947
1092Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 10-07-21114092The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-10-051331
1093Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 09-23-21114071The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-10-041483
1094Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 09-30-21113984The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-09-281385
1095Academic Staff Assembly May 2021 Follow Up Materials110710The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-09-281611
1096Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 09-09-21113907The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-09-241507
1097Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 09-23-21113764The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-09-211405
1098Communications Committee Agenda 11-18-1668570The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-09-202199
1099Communications Committee Agenda 09-20-1776600The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-09-202265
1100DEFINITION OF TERMS AND CONCEPTS78474Effective Teaching | Internationally Diverse CC2021-09-182350
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