Results: 11721-11740 of 14879

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
11721ASA Document 506. Academic Staff Governance Priorities35030The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132589
11722ASA Document 533. ASPP Chapter 13.0335067The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132286
11723ASA Document 477B. ASEC Committee Slate Revised36680The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132384
11724ASA Document 463B. 2011-12 ASEC Priorities36681The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132348
11725ASA Document 507. Standing Committees Annual Report37725The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132496
11726ASA Document 507A. Standing Committees Annual Report37726The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132397
11727ASA Document 508. Academic Staff Memorial Roll Call37727The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132343
11728ASA Document 509. AS Governance Priorities Document37728The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132429
11729ASA Document 510. 2012-13 Continuing Studies-CASI Annual Report37729The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132445
11730ASA Document 511. Resolution Encouraging Academic Staff Participation in Governance38053The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132632
11731ASA Document 512. Report from Budget Model Review Committee38054The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132475
11732ASA Document 513. Resolution to Convene Ad-Hoc Committee on Bridge Funding38055The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132625
11733ASA Document 514. ASEC Slate38056The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132276
11734ASA Document 516. Nominating Committee Slate38059The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132250
11735ASA Document 517. Steve Rader Memorial Resolution40363The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132295
11736ASA Document 518. OMBUDS Office Annual Report 2012-201340364The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132579
11737ASA Document 519. Working Group on Leadership Changes in the VCR-DGS. Working Draft40365The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132799
11738ASA Document 520. Professor of Practice Resolution40366The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132486
11739ASA Document 520A. Professor of Practice Resolution40367The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132251
11740ASA Document 521. Request for Ombuds Office Recommendations40369The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132448
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