Results: 11941-11960 of 14879

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
11941ASA Document 332. Resolution in opposition to the proposed State constitutional amendment regarding the definition of marriage.34441The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132555
11942ASA Document 333. CEBC Ballot34442The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132388
11943ASA Document 334. NC Ballot34443The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132559
11944ASA Document 335. PPPC Ballot34444The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-133086
11945ASA Document 336. PDRC Ballot34445The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132671
11946ASA Document 337. DRC Ballot34446The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132957
11947ASA Document 338. Resolution to honor UW System President Katharin Lyall upon her retirement34447The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132506
11948ASA Document 339. Memorial Resolution for Dennis Carey34448The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132642
11949ASA Document 340. Resolution in support of the Regents budget proposal 05-07, 11/0434449The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132657
11950ASA Document 341A. Resolution to minimize health care contributions - 12/0434450The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132758
11951ASA Document 342. ASEC Slate 05 12/0434451The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132170
11952ASA Document 343. ASEC Ballot 05 2/0534452The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132352
11953ASA Document 344. Tom Johnson Memorial Resolution - 2/0534453The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-133292
11954ASA Document 345. Resolution on mandatory promotion review 2-14-0534454The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132518
11955ASA Document 346. Standing Committee slates 200534458The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132607
11956ASA Document 347. Substitution resolution on reviews for promotion34459The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132693
11957ASA Document 348. Motion to add District 524 for Professionals/Managers in Med School/Opthamology and Visual Sciences34460The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132734
11958ASA Document 349. Standing Committee Ballots 200534462The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132569
11959ASA Document 350. ASPP Changes34464The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132794
11960ASA Document 352. PDRC Annual Report 04-0534466The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132831
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