Results: 1341-1360 of 2794

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1341Hybrid Meeting Room - 21 N Park 1108128786Cisco Webex2023-06-02629
1342Hybrid Meeting Room - 21 N Park 1106128785Cisco Webex2023-06-02679
1343Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 05-25-23128771The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2023-06-02569
1344L&S Increased Job Security23723L&S KB2023-06-013087
1345L&S Emeritus Status23431L&S KB2023-06-017227
1346L&S Criminal Background Checks23049L&S KB2023-06-0110242
1347EAO [Glossary]20851L&S KB2023-06-015876
1348Overloads for L&S Faculty, Academic Staff, University Staff and Limited Appointments23632L&S KB2023-06-018784
1349L&S Nepotism, Conflict of Interest23790L&S KB2023-06-015262
1350L&S Salary Exercises for 2022-23120945L&S KB2023-06-011895
1351L&S Inclement Weather Guidelines27840L&S KB2023-06-015383
1352L&S Non-renewal and/or Layoff of Fixed-Term Renewable and Rolling-Horizon Appointments23757L&S KB2023-06-0111793
1353L&S Interviewee Evaluation Sheet25197L&S KB2023-06-019168
1354L&S Leave of Absence and Leave Benefits23646L&S KB2023-06-016107
1355ASPP [Glossary]20656L&S KB2023-06-016658
1356Setting up NetID early27831L&S KB2023-06-012058
1357ICI [Glossary]20913L&S KB2023-06-016146
1358ADA [Glossary]20644L&S KB2023-06-016147
1359L&S Disability Accommodation - Employment26353L&S KB2023-06-015757
1360FTE [Glossary]20909L&S KB2023-06-016048
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