Results: 141-160 of 1373

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
141Recording using CoE document cameras with Zoom, Teams, or other recording software.98913Engr Media 2021-09-144615
142ASA Document 718. ASPP Changes Chapter 1498008The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-06-301533
143ASA Document 684. 2018 ASEC and ASA Standing Committees Election Results111582The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-06-091238
144ASA Document 677. Resolution Addressing the Title and Total Compensation Study Job Families, Sub-Families, Career Levels and Career Paths80155The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-06-092709
145ASA Document 683. ASPP Chapter 7 Changes82524The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-06-092156
146ASA Document 685. Motion to Count Years of Service for UW-Extension Academic Staff Moving to UW-Madison Academic Staff82526The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-06-092344
147ASA Document 687. Resolution Regarding UW-Extension Academic Staff Employees and Distinguished Prefix82527The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-06-092154
148ASA Document 749. Resolution on Climate Divestment and Procurement110985The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-05-211171
149ASA Document 762. Resolution on Remote Work110982The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-05-211205
150ASA Document 761. Committee on Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions, and Financial Aid Annual Report 2020-2021110981The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-05-211374
151ASA Document 760. Committee on Disability Access and Inclusion Annual Report 2019-2020110980The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-05-211314
152ASA Document 759. Memorial Resolution for Susan Doyle110979The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-05-211401
153ASA Document 758. Memorial Resolution for Chris Logterman110977The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-05-211259
154ASA Document 757. ASPP Chapter 14 Changes110976The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-05-211186
155ASA Document 756. Nominating Committee Slate 2021110975The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-05-211172
156ASA Document 755. Assembly Standing Committee Slates 2021110974The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-05-211125
157ASA Document 754. Committee on Women in the University Annual Report 2019-2020110973The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-05-211266
158ASA Document 753. 2021 ASEC Election Results110972The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-05-211139
159ASA Document 752. Memorial Resolution for Troy Dassler110971The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-05-211092
160ASA Document 751. Campus Diversity and Climate Committee Annual Report 2019-2020110970The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-05-211224
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