Results: 1561-1580 of 3158

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1561ASA Document 312. DRC Ballot34402The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132253
1562ASA Document 313. NC Ballot34403The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132280
1563ASA Document 318. Resolution in support of alternate funding for SEVIS fee - 5/03 (withdrawn)34427The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-133049
1564ASA Document 316. Resolution in support of current benefits structure - May 2003 (not approved)34423The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132898
1565ASA Document 322. Special ASEC Election: Gilgen and Jezwinski 12-0334431The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132692
1566ASA Document 336. PDRC Ballot34445The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132721
1567ASA Document 337. DRC Ballot34446The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-133044
1568ASA Document 321. ASPRO Slate - Approved 10-13-0334430The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132441
1569ASA Document 315. NC Ballot 200334422The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132360
1570ASA Document 334. NC Ballot34443The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132571
1571ASA Document 317. Proposed changes to ASPP - May 200334425The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132771
1572ASA Document 323. ASPP Appeals Comm. change, Ch. 9 Approved 2-0434432The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132685
1573ASA Document 314. PPPC Ballot 200334406The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132254
1574ASA Document 319. Letter to Katharine Lyall opposing plan to fund raises with health insurance premiums (9-03)34428The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132472
1575ASA Document 320. Resolution on concealed weapons (draft introduced 10-13-03)34429The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132556
1576ASA Document 324. ASPRO By-law changes (withdrawn)34433The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132640
1577ASA Document 325. ASPRO campus by-law changes 3-0434434The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132731
1578ASA Document 326. ASPP changes 3-0434435The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132302
1579ASA Document 327. ASEC Slate34436The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132329
1580ASA Document 328. Memorial Resolution for Judith Murphy34437The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-133141
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