No. | Document Title | ID | Group | Updated | Views |
1821 | ASA Document 060. ASPRO Advisory Committee Ballot, 5-15-90 | 33502 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2411 |
1822 | Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 12-12-13 | 36193 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2981 |
1823 | Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 12-03-15 | 58923 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2763 |
1824 | Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 7-18-13 | 32620 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2907 |
1825 | ASA Document 001. Articles of Organization, January 1987 | 33420 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2563 |
1826 | ASA Document 003. Academic Staff Assembly Bylaws, 12-01-87 | 33422 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2393 |
1827 | ASA Document 002. Resolutions Approved at First Assembly Meeting, 6-23-87 | 33421 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2624 |
1828 | ASA Document 004. Nominations Committee Report (ASEC Candidates), 1-19-88 | 33430 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2458 |
1829 | ASA Document 005. Recommendations for Changes in UW System Academic Staff Title Structure, 1-19-88 | 33431 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2522 |
1830 | ASA Document 008. Student Conduct Policy Committee Report, 4-11-88 | 33437 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2397 |
1831 | ASA Document 009. Report to the Chancellor on a Multicultural Center, 5-17-88 | 33438 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2458 |
1832 | ASA Document 010. UW-Madison Principles of Non-Discrimination, 6-21-88 | 33439 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2471 |
1833 | ASA Document 011. Bylaws: Standing Committee on Compensation & Economic Benefits, 6-21-88 | 33440 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2528 |
1834 | ASA Document 012. Bylaws: Standing Committee on Personnel Policies & Procedures, 6-21-88 | 33441 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2533 |
1835 | ASA Document 013. Nominations Committee Ballot, 9-20-88 | 33442 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2578 |
1836 | ASA Document 014. Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee Ballot, 10-18-88 | 33443 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2534 |
1837 | ASA Document 015. Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee Ballot, 11-15-88 | 33445 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2495 |
1838 | ASA Document 016. Report of the University Committee on parental Leave Policy, 9-20-88 | 33446 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2615 |
1839 | ASA Document 017. CEBC 1989-1991 Salary Package Resolution, 9-20-88 | 33447 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2395 |
1840 | ASA Document 018. Commendation Resolution for Betsy Kean, 10-18-88 | 33448 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2554 |
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