Results: 1841-1860 of 1942

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1841Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 12-21-1778835The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-12-192300
1842Academic Staff Assembly Agenda 12-11-1778515The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-12-042897
1843Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 11-02-1777766The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-10-312422
1844Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 10-26-1777562The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-10-242421
1845Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 10-12-1777292The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-10-112538
1846ASA Document 660. Report on 2017-17 Academic Staff Assembly Business77265The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-10-102169
1847Academic Staff Assembly March 2016 Meeting Follow-up Materials61936The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-09-122880
1848Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 07-13-1775216The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-08-022422
1849Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 07-27-1774809The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-07-252413
1850Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 07-25-1774709The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-07-212300
1851ASA Document 654. Motion Regarding Changes to Degree Requirements for Academic Staff Positions73394The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-05-192688
1852ASA Document 653. Recommendations from Academic Staff Worklife Survey White Paper73393The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-05-192278
1853ASA Document 652. Recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee on Category B Academic Staff Salary Compression73392The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-05-192887
1854Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 05-04-1773073The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-05-022586
1855ASA Document 649. 2016 Academic Staff Worklife Survey Report72879The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-04-252513
1856ASA Document 647. Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Category B Academic Staff Salary Compression72877The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-04-253022
1857ASA Document 645. Motion Regarding Academic Staff Assembly District Size Corrections and Districting Logic72873The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-04-252512
1858Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 04-20-1772674The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-04-182438
1859Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 01-26-1770167The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-01-242692
1860Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 11-10-1668476The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-11-082597
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