Results: 21-40 of 1942

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
21Hiring Student Employees FAQs136406Chemistry Department2024-07-30169
22Staff - Governance Resources78672Interdisciplinary Professional Programs
College of Engineering
23CHM HR - Entering Time & Leave Elapsed Hourly Timesheets (Academic Non-Exempt Employees)144596Center for Healthy Minds2025-02-0430
24Academic Staff and University Staff New Hire Workflow- Open Recruitment (TREMS) [Campus login required]104759SMPH Human Resources 2025-01-27427
25How to Add a New Academic Unit to the L3* Process87488Continuing Studies Information System2024-11-183790
26Lumen Structures: How to Submit Academic Subject Listing (Curricular Subject) Proposals137783Lumen and Guide2024-11-07788
27Academic Subject Listings (Curricular Subject)116661Academic Planning2024-11-071835
28Academic Standing in the College of Letters & Science38198L&S KB2024-10-3010779
29Graduate School Academic Planning Council (GSAPC) 2024-2025 Agendas & Minutes129245Graduate School2024-09-25993
30Academic integrity methods121197Instructional Resources2024-08-231953
31Graduate School Academic Planning Council (GSAPC) 2014-2024 Agendas and Minutes129075Graduate School2024-07-26703
32Graduate School Academic Planning Council (GSAPC) - About the Committee31584Graduate School2024-07-264678
33L&S Recruitment of Non-STS Academic Staff, University Staff and TE Appointments97944L&S KB2024-07-2310157
34Policy: Academic Program Review118805Academic Planning2024-06-271127
35Archived Academic Structure Documents Drawer Set-up106966Academic Planning2024-06-171600
36L&S Academic Planning Council19983L&S KB2024-05-307562
37Academic Staff Nonrenewals53055HR Policies2024-05-229331
38Academic Staff Layoffs53054HR Policies2024-05-2212524
39Discipline, Dismissal, and Non-renewal for Academic Staff53053HR Policies2024-05-227836
40Academic Staff Grievances and Complaints53380HR Policies2024-05-228002
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