Results: 21-40 of 172

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
21Creating Preferential Ballot Rosters with HRMed Definitions [Campus login required]116531SMPH Human Resources 2025-01-13121
22CHM HR - Legal Holidays: Academic & University Staff132114Center for Healthy Minds2025-01-10591
23CHM HR -2025 Pay Schedule with Entry Dates135472Center for Healthy Minds2025-01-10511
24CHM HR - UW Employee Assistance Resources147422Center for Healthy Minds2025-01-0998
25CHM HR - Departure Resources for Employees132748Center for Healthy Minds2025-01-08677
26CHM HR - Organizational Chart: Overview136504Center for Healthy Minds2025-01-07700
27Email Lists - Operations95264Extension Handbook2025-01-021518
28Monthly HR Reports - Expiring Remote Work Agreements [Campus login required]115177SMPH Human Resources 2024-12-2352
29Ending Employment - Offboarding Checklist - Employees102939Extension Handbook2024-12-236231
30CHM HR - HR Policies for UW Employees144117Center for Healthy Minds2024-12-18134
31Faculty Track Transfers: Guidelines and Processes122480SMPH Human Resources 2024-12-17683
32MyUW Madison - Update Campus Business Email Contact18559MyUW Madison2024-12-1226317
33EPM - Common ODBC Errors19644Data KB2024-12-1121798
34EPM - Configuring Oracle 11g ODBC Driver19658Data KB2024-12-1140913
35EPM - Editing 'tnsnames.ora' and 'sqlnet.ora' Files19325Data KB2024-12-11149882
36EPM - Accessing EPM via ODBC Overview19669Data KB2024-12-1117799
37JEMS Hire - Appointment without PVL/Waiver17487HR COP2024-12-0914652
38CHM HR - New Hire Orientation132844Center for Healthy Minds2024-11-25128
39CHM HR - Peer Partner Expectations132457Center for Healthy Minds2024-11-25299
40JEMS Hire - Transaction Error Checking64106HR COP2024-11-075030
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