Results: 21-40 of 354

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
21UW System - IT Help Desks Contact Information5427DoIT Help Desk2024-08-20118681
22HelioCampus AC - Eval - Getting Started with Online Course Evaluations (Admin) [UW-Madison]64150Learn@UW-Madison2024-07-2935684
23Learning Analytics Guiding Principles104805Data KB2024-12-1110341
24Backward Design Step 2: Writing Course Learning Outcomes105495Instructional Resources2024-11-253502
25InterPro - Online Learning - InterPro Credit Learners - Strategies for Online Learning Success45110Interdisciplinary Professional Programs
College of Engineering
26Learning Analytics Approaches and Teaching & Learning Tools132364Learning Analytics2024-10-281230
27InterPro - Online Learning - Tools & Technology - Canvas - LMS Quick Start for InterPro Online Students92465Interdisciplinary Professional Programs
College of Engineering
28InterPro - UW Showcase 2016 - Use Active Learning to Design and Deliver Successful Online Courses and Degree Programs61284Interdisciplinary Professional Programs
College of Engineering
29Intentional Course Design for Improved Teaching & Learning Data147530Learning Analytics2025-01-16251
30L&S Advice for Departments: Collecting and reviewing learning outcomes (for the expedited project)126978L&S KB2024-11-132435
31My Learning Analytics (MyLA) Accessibility and Usability Information141619IT Accessibility and Usability2024-09-06372
32Meet the Learning Engineering Group138784Learning Engineering Group2024-08-06284
33UW-Independent Learning and the Tuition Waiver137554CALS Academic Affairs2024-05-29795
34Learning Engineering Group and You121741Learning Engineering Group2024-05-03737
35InterPro - Teaching & Learning - Tools & Technology - Comparing Canvas Quizzes, Atomic Assessments, and Pressbooks + H5P103244Interdisciplinary Professional Programs
College of Engineering
36L&S Assessment FAQ: Purpose of Assessing Student Learning25306L&S KB2023-07-056048
37Online Instruction Resources121902Learning Engineering Group2025-02-251216
38LEG Glossary of Terms for Noncredit Course Developer Partners121731Learning Engineering Group2024-05-031698
39Noncredit Course Development Process121786Learning Engineering Group2024-05-03904
40InterPro - Teaching & Learning - Tools & Technology - Transferring Zoom Cloud Recordings to Kaltura122224Interdisciplinary Professional Programs
College of Engineering
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