Results: 2741-2760 of 2851

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
2741ASA Document 604. Recommendations from the Ad Hoc Committee on Titling and Compensation63716The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-05-272595
2742ASA Document 603. Resolution of the Committee on Women in the University Regarding the UW-Madison Sexual Assault Climate Survey Task Force Report and Recommendations63715The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-05-272456
2743ASA Document 597. Ad Hoc Committee on Titling and Compensation Report63704The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-05-272499
2744ASA Document 584A. Standing Committees Annual Report 2014-1563689The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-05-272301
2745ASA Document 584. Standing Committees Annual Report 2014-1563688The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-05-272331
2746ASA Document 584B. Standing Committees Annual Report 2014-1563687The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-05-272122
2747ASA Document 583. Campus Transportation Committee Annual Report 2013-1463686The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-05-272421
2748ASA Document 582. Committee on Women in the University Annual Report 2013-1563684The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-05-272424
2749ASA Document 581. Resolution on Vendor Choice for Job Titling and Compensation Study63682The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-05-272615
2750E-VPN stats and output61890UW System Network2016-03-161299
2751Ancillary Committee (ANC) [Glossary]17508Health Sciences Institutional Review Boards2016-02-0713545
2752IT Access - Manifest29246IT Access2016-01-1552324
2753Interaction between C (methane) and N (ammonia, nitrous oxide) emissions58892Ruminant Nutrition Physiology (RNPII)2015-12-131639
2754Fall 2015 Materials and Schedule58561Ruminant Nutrition Physiology (RNPII)2015-12-131971
2755Nitrogen Recycling Review of Reynolds and Kristensen58891Ruminant Nutrition Physiology (RNPII)2015-12-122003
2756Critical Evaluation on N balance Studies "Cow-Level" and "Pen-Level"58740Ruminant Nutrition Physiology (RNPII)2015-12-091252
2757Partitioning of Intake N into Fecal N, Urine N and Milk N58741Ruminant Nutrition Physiology (RNPII)2015-12-091885
2758"Gross" Conversion Efficiency of: (a) energy intake into milk energy and (b) N intake into Milk N58704Ruminant Nutrition Physiology (RNPII)2015-12-031326
2759Activity: Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Livestock: Best practices and Emerging Options47470Food Production Systems &
2760Activity: Nitrous Oxide form Soils — Seasonal and Weather Related Variations47017Food Production Systems &
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