Results: 321-340 of 3188

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
321Lumen Programs Form: Program Learning Outcomes and Assessment Section85075Lumen and Guide2024-08-262692
322New Quizzes Pilot [UW-Madison]141362Learn@UW-Madison2024-08-26283
323Canvas - Pronoun Use in Canvas - Overview [UW-Madison]108069Learn@UW-Madison2024-08-2319231
324Using Online Discussions to Increase Student Engagement104034Instructional Resources2024-08-237743
325Two-Minute Question-Development Talks128237Instructional Resources2024-08-231704
326AI Meeting Assistant Tools – Tips for Instructors139009Instructional Resources2024-08-23518
327AI Meeting Assistant Tools – Tips for Research Mentors139007Instructional Resources2024-08-23399
328Generative AI137158Instructional Resources2024-08-23262
329Digital media assignments121195Instructional Resources2024-08-233682
330Examples of Collaborative Group Work Assignments114188Instructional Resources2024-08-232163
331Developing Students' Group Work Skills113255Instructional Resources2024-08-232364
332Group Work Rubric114197Instructional Resources2024-08-233688
333Sustaining Effective Instructional Teams133904Instructional Resources2024-08-23872
334How do I know whether my students read the content I assigned?122285Instructional Resources2024-08-231302
335Aligning assessments with learning outcomes123871Instructional Resources2024-08-232349
336What strategies can enhance community in my online course?121807Instructional Resources2024-08-231632
337Student Assessment136913Instructional Resources2024-08-23379
338Student Assessment Approaches121278Instructional Resources2024-08-237792
339Course activities and learner interactions121280Instructional Resources2024-08-2314585
340Group Effort Analysis Rubric114201Instructional Resources2024-08-232659
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