Results: 381-389 of 389

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
381ASA Document 303. Motion to create district 452, 2-0334392The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132578
382ASA Document 267. Motion - To Create a New District 26134266The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132847
383ASA Document 268. Motion - To Create a New District 40134267The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132722
384ASA Document 719. Resolution to Create Land Acknowledgment Statement95977The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-131988
385DPPS - SOP - Preflighting files82392DoIT Printing2018-05-222538
386ASA Document 666. Resolution Calling for the Creation and Implementation of a Campus-wide Climate Action Plan78701The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-12-122586
387Bucky Backup - How to create archives in TSM36529Bucky Backup2017-08-0231056
388Planning to Attend the Mexico Field Study? This page was created for the Summer 2013 Program and will beupdated in Jan/Feb 2015 for the August 2015 Program56627DS 473 Field Study Abroad2015-10-22847
389Planning to Attend the Mexico Field Study? This page was created for the Summer 2013 Program and will beupdated in Jan/Feb 2015 for the August 2015 Program57698DS 473 Field Study Abroad2015-10-22835
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