Results: 41-60 of 1952

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
41Policy: Academic Program Review118805Academic Planning2024-06-271134
42Archived Academic Structure Documents Drawer Set-up106966Academic Planning2024-06-171610
43L&S Academic Planning Council19983L&S KB2024-05-307582
44Academic Staff Nonrenewals53055HR Policies2024-05-229347
45Academic Staff Layoffs53054HR Policies2024-05-2212545
46Discipline, Dismissal, and Non-renewal for Academic Staff53053HR Policies2024-05-227844
47Academic Staff Grievances and Complaints53380HR Policies2024-05-228011
48Layoff Reappointment Rights for Academic Staff52774HR Policies2024-05-226467
49Referral Priority for Layoffs and Long-term Nonrenewed Academic Staff Employees52773HR Policies2024-05-227068
50Recruitment, Assessment, and Selection of Academic, Faculty, Limited, and University Staff Employees53208HR Policies2024-04-1637224
51SMPH Academic Technology List134235SMPH2024-02-12597
52L&S Policy for Evaluating Short-Term Instructional Academic Staff38121L&S KB2024-01-118345
53SMPH Academic Affairs Strategic Plan 2023-2028132245SMPH Academic Affairs Resource2023-10-241340
54Academic Planning & Innovation (API) - Contact Information132196School of Human Ecology2023-10-20631
55Academic Program Pages (MAS)40568Graduate School2023-07-1910679
56L&S Academic Program Review - Guidelines in Effect October 2011 to December 201559176L&S KB2023-07-065247
57Overloads for L&S Faculty, Academic Staff, University Staff and Limited Appointments23632L&S KB2023-06-018857
58Academic & Curricular Administration94194L&S KB2023-06-012454
59L&S Academic Staff and University Staff Town Halls [Campus login required]113816L&S KB2022-05-110
60Earning Academic Credit for Military Service29945L&S KB2021-04-144015
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