No. | Document Title | ID | Group | Updated | Views |
5241 | ASA Document 019. Prohibited Harassment: Definitions and Rules Governing the Conduct of UW-Madison Academic Staff, 11-15-88 | 33449 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2742 |
5242 | ASA Document 021. Prohibited Harassment: Definitions and Rules Governing the Conduct of UW-Madison Academic Staff, 2-21-89 | 33451 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2762 |
5243 | ASA Document 022. Bylaws: Standing Committee on Professional Development and Recognition, 2-21-89 | 33452 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2513 |
5244 | ASA Document 023. Districting Committee Report, 2-21-89 | 33454 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2425 |
5245 | ASA Document 025. Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee Report on Budget Policies and Instructions, 2-21-89 | 33456 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2636 |
5246 | ASA Document 033. Plan to Facilitate Academic Staff Communications with State Government and the Public 3-28-89 | 33473 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2530 |
5247 | ASA Document 036. Nominating Committee Election Slate, 4-18-89 | 33476 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2483 |
5248 | ASA Document 037. Commendation Resolution for Robert M. and Taissa S. Hauser, 4-18-89 | 33477 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2437 |
5249 | ASA Document 039. Commendation Resolution for Bernard C. Cohen, 5-23-89 | 33479 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2400 |
5250 | ASA Document 041. A Report from the Compensation Committee to the Assembly on the Hauser Report, 5-23-89 | 33481 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2624 |
5251 | ASA Document 042. Academic Staff Assembly Ad Hoc Payline Review Committee Final Report, 5-23-89 | 33484 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2856 |
5252 | ASA Document 044. Professional Development and Recognition Committee Report, 2-20-90 | 33485 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2479 |
5253 | ASA Document 045. Title Review Committee Document - Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee, 2-20-90 | 33486 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2537 |
5254 | ASA Document 046. Revisions to ASA Chapter 9 (Grievance and Complaint Procedures) Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee, 2-20-90 | 33488 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2626 |
5255 | ASA Document 047. 1990 Academic Staff Executive Committee Ballot, 2-14-90 | 33489 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2367 |
5256 | ASA Document 048. Revisions to ASA Chapter 4 (Performance Evaluations), Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee, 3-12-90 | 33490 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2862 |
5257 | ASA Document 050. 1990 Academic Staff Executive Committee Ballot #2, 3-12-90 | 33492 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2490 |
5258 | ASA Document 057. Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee Ballot, 5-15-90 | 33499 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2558 |
5259 | ASA Document 058. Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee Ballot, 5-15-90 | 33500 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2386 |
5260 | ASA Document 059. Professional Development and Recognition Committee Ballot, 5-15-90 | 33501 | The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff | 2020-07-13 | 2761 |
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