Results: 61-80 of 1339

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
61Microsoft Extended Security Updates for Windows and Windows Server94429DoIT Help Desk2025-01-216862
62L&S Letter Templates for Academic Staff, University Staff, TE and LI Appointments120566L&S KB2025-01-217494
63OnCore: Adding UW-Madison Subjects (Epic MRNs) to OnCore Protocol [Campus login required]27700SMPH Research Informatics 2025-01-21785
64Conference Room 6430129169CALS Biochemistry IT2025-01-21554
65Conference Room 2321129064CALS Biochemistry IT2025-01-21731
66Conference Room 2131 (Classroom)129161CALS Biochemistry IT2025-01-21731
67Conference Room 2112129156CALS Biochemistry IT2025-01-21417
68Conference Room 1211 (Auditorium)129094CALS Biochemistry IT2025-01-21630
69Conference Room 1104129151CALS Biochemistry IT2025-01-21459
70Conference Room 179129104CALS Biochemistry IT2025-01-21454
71Conference Room 175 (Khorana Auditorium)129098CALS Biochemistry IT2025-01-21733
72Conference Room 1101129149CALS Biochemistry IT2025-01-21366
73WiscWeb - Updating the Site Title, Tagline, Tagline URL, and Site Icon67988WiscWeb2025-01-217201
74WiscWeb - Creating Posts68157WiscWeb2025-01-219053
75WiscWeb - Using the UW Social Share Plugin81190WiscWeb2025-01-216791
76Telephone Funding Change and Billing Information44748Voice Services2025-01-2012125
77Bucky Backup - Servers and Ports24654Bucky Backup2025-01-1769238
78UW-Madison Google Workspace - Using UW-Madison Google Workspace with a Microsoft 365 Service Account23614UW Google Apps2025-01-178155
79Canvas - Library Dashboard Course Resources (UW-Madison)113118Libraries2025-01-171754
80Creating a Permanent Online Version of Your Email [Campus login required]109727Eloqua Marketing Automation2025-01-175961
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