Results: 6201-6220 of 14874

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
62012024 Academic Staff Institute Materials136079The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2024-03-15430
6202Canvas - Adding People to a Canvas Course [UW-Madison]66259Learn@UW-Madison2024-03-1520929
6203Managing third-party meeting bots136072UW LastPass2024-03-151901
6204Using the Stockroom Checkout System60510School of Pharmacy2024-03-1520005
6205Hub app for WCER iPads135873WCER2024-03-15262
6206CHM Undergrads - Undergraduate Evaluations135793Center for Healthy Minds2024-03-14260
6207Accepting Offer to install Software134159SMPH2024-03-14487
6208Windows Updates135969SMPH2024-03-14528
6209Reports for Preventing Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence (PSHSV)/Cybersecurity Awareness129366L&S KB2024-03-14501
6210UW-Madison Qualtrics - Terms of Service70078Qualtrics2024-03-1411862
6211School of Human Ecology Meeting or Event Planning Guidelines136041School of Human Ecology2024-03-14252
6212School of Human Ecology Guidelines for the Inclusion of Food at Events136056School of Human Ecology2024-03-14298
6213Remote Desktop Connection - Windows135983WCER2024-03-14209
6214ECMS - Login to the Perceptive Content Desktop Client (Imaging)133018ECMS2024-03-131954
6215Nagios URL Monitoring121775Event Management and Monitoring2024-03-131923
6216UW-Madison Google Workspace - Exporting Multiple Files from Google Drive15244UW Google Apps2024-03-1325494
6217Do you have a story idea? Let us know!130312School of Human Ecology2024-03-13924
6218Do you have research to share? Let us know!135982School of Human Ecology2024-03-13311
6219Canvas - External LMS Integrations [UW-Madison]70088Learn@UW-Madison2024-03-1310752
6220Kaltura - Adding Questions to Your Videos with Kaltura Video Quizzes [UW-Madison]60958Learn@UW-Madison2024-03-1316788
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