Results: 721-740 of 817

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
721UW-Madison Qualtrics - Requirements to transfer surveys to another organization112698Qualtrics2021-07-283672
722UW-Madison Qualtrics - Records Retention109064Qualtrics2021-07-283123
723UW-Madison Inclusive Facilities Policy and Procedures for all Buildings94023Associated Students of Madison2021-07-016612
724ASA Document 685. Motion to Count Years of Service for UW-Extension Academic Staff Moving to UW-Madison Academic Staff82526The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2021-06-092391
725UW-Madison Degree Credit for ESL Courses85642L&S KB2021-06-074121
726UW-Madison Qualtrics - Service Description109669Qualtrics2021-04-012039
727UW-Madison Qualtrics - Log-In to Account for First Time109686Qualtrics2021-04-017233
728How to View Your UW-Madison DARS Report21634L&S KB2021-04-018628
729UW-Madison Qualtrics - Survey Best Practices70077Qualtrics2021-03-167910
730UW-Madison Qualtrics - How to permanently delete a Qualtrics survey you own109065Qualtrics2021-03-163986
731UW-Madison Qualtrics - Service Eligibility and Requirements13722Qualtrics2021-03-0517138
732UW-Madison Qualtrics - Survey Resources70076Qualtrics2021-02-1912102
733ASA Document 739. Resolution to Support Fair Trade Certification Efforts for UW-Madison108120The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-12-291552
734UW-Madison Invention Disclosure Report33881VCRGE and Graduate School2020-12-036707
735Application of Federalwide Assurance (FWA) Terms to UW-Madison Human Participants Research Policy29552VCRGE and Graduate School2020-11-237095
736ASA Document 275. Prohibited Harassment: Definitions and Rules Governing the Conduct of UW-Madison Faculty and Academic Staff34275The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-11-174805
737ASA Document 737. Resolution to Support UW-Madison DACA Employees106250The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-09-291444
738Scholarships@UW-Madison - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)28710DoIT Help Desk2020-08-138656
739ASA Document 704. Resolution on Supporting and Sponsoring the Second UW-Madison Academic Staff Worklife Survey90649The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132126
740ASA Document 490. Academic Staff Assembly Resolution on the UW-Madison Human Resources Design Strategic Plan35014The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2020-07-132523
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