Results: 81-100 of 366

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
81WiscWeb - Embed a Google Doc120062WiscWeb2024-12-022278
82WiscWeb - SEO tips for Google108710WiscWeb2024-12-023756
83UW-Madison Google Workspace - Preserve My Drive Data Using a Shared drive122606UW Google Apps2024-11-192669
84UW-Madison Google Workspace - Move files or folders from My Drive to Shared drives127320UW Google Apps2024-11-192296
85Breakout Group Activities Using Google Slides103655Instructional Resources2024-11-185572
86GCP - Google Cloud Platform Pricing100173Public Cloud2024-10-142749
87Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for Sensitive and Restricted Data115296Public Cloud2024-10-141646
88GCP - Google Cloud Service Health Dashboard100121Public Cloud2024-10-141945
89WiscWeb - Create events using Google Calendar124873WiscWeb2024-10-022005
90WiscWeb - Adding a Facebook Pixel to a Website Using Google Tag Manager108778WiscWeb2024-09-273219
91Calendar - Subscription to Medical & PA Student OASIS Calendar in Google Calendar/Android25769SMPH2024-09-2310006
92Canvas - Reauthorizing Your Account for the Google Drive Integration [UW-Madison]92852Learn@UW-Madison2024-09-204314
93WiscWeb - Embed a Google Form104560WiscWeb2024-09-193963
94Google Drive - Repair Sync installation on Mac134143SMPH2024-09-03419
95UW-Madison Google Workspace - File Recovery141301UW Google Apps2024-08-29289
96Using Google Docs Chat Feature to Collaborate in Classrooms104572Instructional Resources2024-08-236534
97Sharing a Google Doc Template for Students104202Instructional Resources2024-08-237994
98Creating Google Forms to Solicit Student Reflections104251Instructional Resources2024-08-233673
99Help Desk (Departing Faculty/Staff) - Steps to take before losing access to Microsoft 365, Google, Zoom, Box, and Qualtrics79984DoIT Help Desk2024-08-2317473
100UW-Madison Google Workspace - Service Account My Drive Deactivation Lifecycle136896UW Google Apps2024-08-152718
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