Results: 1-20 of 139

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1Java - Compatible Versions for UW Services28288DoIT Help Desk2024-03-3145148
2UW Digital ID (Personal Certificate) - Decommission updates and next steps116737Identity and Access Management2023-03-272646
3Business Office - School of Human Ecology Contacts103550School of Human Ecology2024-03-142389
4Microsoft 365 - Reduced access to services due to an affiliation change62576Microsoft 3652023-12-2687665
5Leaving the University of Wisconsin-Madison78565DoIT Help Desk2023-10-0358910
6DoIT Help Desk - Service Changes Request Form107944DoIT Help Desk2024-05-064683
7Help Desk (Former Student) - Steps to take before your access to Microsoft 365, Google, Box, Qualtrics, and Zoom changes80255DoIT Help Desk2024-04-1936262
8LCS - How to Merge Changes in a Sandbox up to the Next Level135042Low Code Solutions2024-01-30116
9Revising PVLs (application end date, etc.) and Offers (salary, start date, etc.) [Campus login required]108634SMPH Human Resources 2024-01-0151
10UW-Madison Profile - Release Notes116297UW-Madison Profile2024-04-161762
11REDCap: Granting User Access to New Instruments115664SMPH Research Informatics 2024-03-201683
12WiscWeb - Customizations policy98216WiscWeb2024-02-053992
13Bio-ARROW - General Help - Locate Protocol43343ARROW - Institutional Biosafety Committee2023-08-225312
14REDCap: Making Changes in Production118374SMPH Research Informatics 2024-04-027404
15UW Madison Pending P-card changes78446L&S KB2024-01-192492
16Propose changes to L&S program requirements (Major, Named Option, Certificate, Graduate Minor)20013L&S KB2023-08-288987
17WiscIT - January 10th Changes to Problem Classifications96964WiscIT2023-07-19322
18Curricular Changes in the College of Letters & Science20048L&S KB2023-07-067632
19FAQ: Changes to Doctoral Dissertation Policy71658Graduate School2022-03-164267
20Infoblox DNS: TTL changes69330DDI2020-08-043389
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