Results: 1-20 of 22

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1L&S Budget Office Communications & Office Hours134901L&S KB2024-05-133149
2L&S Budget Build: Overview & Timeline135065L&S KB2024-03-021823
3Memo: FY25 Changes to the BSR137017L&S KB2024-04-29139
4Fellowship Administration Guide99717Graduate School2024-04-159052
5L&S Budget Build: Departmental Planning Spreadsheets (DPS)135272L&S KB2024-04-031529
6L&S Budget Build: 131 Programs135100L&S KB2024-04-03874
7Memo: L&S Buyout Policy Framework Effective FY23121335L&S KB2024-04-031380
8FY 24 Central Funds (Spring 2024) [Campus login required]119926SMPH Human Resources 2024-03-25454
9L&S Budget Build: Supplies & Expenses and Student Hourly allocations135101L&S KB2024-03-18808
10Computer Sciences - Payroll: Rates - FY25 Graduate Salary Rates133663Comp Sci2023-12-1993
11Financial - Fringe Rates, FY 2023119563Russell Labs Hub2023-07-10471
12Financial - Fringe Rates, FY 2022111835Russell Labs Hub2023-07-10554
13Memo: L&S Cost Accounting for 131 Programs Implementation Effective FY21117849L&S KB2023-07-061006
14L&S Cost-Accounting Procedures for 131 Programs Effective FY21110940L&S KB2023-07-061499
15Memo: L&S Changes to BSR Accounting Rules for Staff Effective FY21103603L&S KB2023-07-062802
16L&S Funding String for S&E and Student Hourly Allocations Effective FY21102802L&S KB2023-07-062224
17Memo: L&S Changes to BSR Accounting Rules for Faculty Budget Effective FY23120954L&S KB2023-04-121132
18Computer Sciences - Payroll: Rates - Fringe Rates, FY2378467Comp Sci2023-01-17328
19Computer Sciences - Payroll: Rates - FY24 Graduate Salary Rates97463Comp Sci2023-01-111725
20Computer Sciences - Payroll: Rates - FY23 Graduate Salary Rates90119Comp Sci2023-01-111091
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