Results: 1641-1660 of 1741

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1641Procedure for Dealing with Misconduct in Scholarly Research85430VCRGE and Graduate School2018-09-103200
1642Residence Hall Device Registration Guide for UWNet Wired or Wireless84756Division of University Housing2018-08-287462
1643Obligations and Protections for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Research Associates in Reporting Wrong Doing, Non-Compliance or Research Misconduct84924VCRGE and Graduate School2018-08-204962
1644Bucky Backup - Client Configuration for Windows83392Bucky Backup2018-08-165883
1645Graduate School strategic plan work group report on professional development for postdoctoral scholars41188Graduate School2018-07-031724
1646Request for Approval to Serve as PI34706VCRGE and Graduate School2018-06-055732
1647AANTS - How Do I Find The Technical and/or Administrative Contacts For My VLAN?4816Network Services2018-03-0115007
1648Network Services Programming Style Guide - Tool Template for NS Scripts and Tools With Comments15294Network Services2018-03-016263
1649PI Status for UW-Madison hESC Protocols34705VCRGE and Graduate School2017-12-216121
1650ASA Document 666. Resolution Calling for the Creation and Implementation of a Campus-wide Climate Action Plan78701The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-12-122575
1651ASA Document 664. Resolution on Board of Regents' Action Regarding Regent Policy Document 6-4, Selection Process for System President, Chancellors, and UW System Senior Leadership Positions78700The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-12-122465
1652ASA Document 662. Memorial Resolution for Bill Cudlipp78698The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-12-122049
1653Office 365 (Android) - Configure the native email/calendar app for Android78345UW Surgery2017-11-21726
1654Office 365 (iOS) - Configure the native email/calendar app for iPhone or iPad78344UW Surgery2017-11-212768
1655Project 2: Evaluation of a Real-World Dairy Cow Ration57745DS 414 Ruminant Nutrition2017-11-074953
1656UW-Madison Guidance for Investigators Requesting to Add hESC Lines to the UW-Madison hESC Registry34718VCRGE and Graduate School2017-10-256435
1657UW-Madison Policy for Full Committee or Expedited Panel Review of Studies Using Human Embryo and or Human Pluripotent Stem Cells34716VCRGE and Graduate School2017-10-255759
1658ASA Document 657. Memorial Resolution for Mara McDonald77262The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2017-10-102187
1659Install Lubar Copier for Printing from a Mac39056Law School2017-09-213866
1660Microsoft Excel - Formula to Calculate Sum of Cells in Separate Worksheets2100DoIT Help Desk2017-06-122259658
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